15. Cry baby

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    THE NEXT day John B and Big John had came back and John B informed the pouges the little adventure him and his dad went on was a dead end. They had lost the gold, cross and now El Dorado. Pope left furious, Avery left sad along with Kiara, JJ left mad, and Sarah stayed with John B.

When Avery walked into her house her dad and mother immediately walked over pissed... more so her dad "Where were you?"

Avery rolled her eyes as she walked past her dad "At John B's he had to tell us something important"

"Avery, I'm being so for real right now I don't want you hanging out with them anymore. You turned so disrespectful and Selfish. You literally left town for months and had us worried sick just to find out you were trying to find gold? A cross?"

"Yeah, well I don't care, so see you later I'm going to bed" Avery ignored her dad yelling at her as she walked up the stairs shut her door and played music as she drifted off to sleep.

The next morning she had decided to hang out with Kiara but while they were at the island restaurant they saw Sarah so the three of them started hanging out. Well, Sarah telling them she doesn't know what she's doing with Topper and Avery and Kiara telling her she better not break JohnB's heart.

Right after Sarah had told them she kissed Topper at Mase she got a voicemail from Wheezy saying she need to talk to her so Sarah left early. But that didn't really matter because Avery and Kiara had to leave to get ready for the part Kiara's mom was hosting.

Avery kept her wavy hair down and added two small braids on each side of her head and she put on a white skirt with a light blue crop top, and Jordan's.

When Avery got there she immediately walked over to Kiara and Sarah "Sarah, please tell me you told John B"

"No, I haven't gotten the chance yet" Sarah mumbles as she blew a peace of her hair out of her face.

"Well, now is" Avery states as she points behind Sarah to John B looking over at them "don't be scared just get it over with"

Sarah took a deep breath then walked over to John B "I'll be right back" Kiara tells the brunette as she walked over to her parents leaving Avery alone.

The brunette looked around for anyone she knew but when her eyes looked over at a certain section she saw JJ who locked eyes with her but ducked behind the fence so quick "JJ, I saw John B. Figured you couldn't be far"

JJ slowly stood up making his presence noticeable "just, uh, thought I should keep my distance, didn't really wanna spoil the party, if you know what I'm saying" he points to Avery's parents who were drinking.

"We were wondering where you guys ran off to. You okay?"

"No. Look, long story short, we're mounting a full search and rescue mission right now because Big John got nabbed" JJ says talking with his hands also.

"Wait, what do you mean nabbed? Avery asks praying he doesn't mean kidnapped.

"Uh, snatched, kidnapped, abducted, that kind of thing to South America by Singh. So we have to get down there as soon as we can" The blonde sighs as he started pointing far away indicating South America.

"South America, now?" The brunette laughs. She knew there's no way they could do that especially with her dad being up her ass all the time (not literally) "I mean, you come in here after stealing from my dad like, hey we're all good let's go to South America"

"So is that a No? Uh, you're just gonna ghost us?"

"JJ, I've been wanting to talk since we got off the island. We need to talk, it's all I can think about. I just can't do any of that right now" Avery confesses.

"Okay, so you're saying you don't wanna be a part of the plan when Big John is up for execution right now? Okay, cool. That's a no" JJ says making Avery want to strangle him. Out of everything she said that's all he picked up.

"I cant" Avery chuckles trying to make it look like she was alright even though she is literally dying on the inside right now.

"Okay, cool that's all I need to know" The blonde then started walking away but turned backs round walking back to the girl "actually, one last thing, when you see Micheal, could you just left him know that uh, I don't feel bad about the money clip? Okay, just let him know, thank you" JJ winked at Avery then started walking away.

Avery scoffed "what is is wrong with you? You're really acting like you don't care? I mean you're acting like I don't care, for gods sake I love you" Avery quickly covered her mouth as her best friend turned back around.

"What? Ave, I mean, thanks. Okay, great, no, look. It's not gonna work, okay? I'm gonna go help my best-friend save his father. Maybe I'll see you at the break when I get back. If I get back" the blonde didn't let the girl respond he just walked away back on the boat he had arrived in.

Avery turned back around as tears rolled down her cheek. She had finally confessed her love for JJ and he said thanks, and it wasn't gonna work out. She never wanted to die this badly then now.

"Uh, ima go home early, if that's fine" Avery tells her mom.

"Yeah, that's okay, see you later" Michelle tells her daughter.

Avery pushed passed people as she let all her tears spill out her honey eyes. Avery wasn't a cry baby she was sensitive.

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