12. Dads are the worst

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        "WHEN I went back to Tannyhill, Rafe was on The phone with Ward and he just kept saying, 'my thing, this is my thing'. He had to be talking about the cross" Sarah explains as the Pouges were sitting and standing around her.

"Absolutely" Pope says as soon as Sarah stopped talking.

"And he's coming into Wilmington tonight at eight o'clock. It's being shipped by train to Raleigh from there, but this is our chance to get it back" Sarah says adding onto what she previously was saying.

"You get any other information?" Pope asks as he leaned off the wooden pole.

Uh, Sarah got the cargo number" Avery intervenes as she picked up the peace of paper off the small table that was in front of where she was sitting.

"Okay, we'll, that's a start" Pope sighs

"Yeah" Kie agrees

"They're definitely fencing that shit off as we speak, so we should probably get a move on" JJ states bluntly as he took a quick glance at Avery.

Pope snapped his head towards Sarah "Sarah, you hear from John B?"

"No, I mean, he's probably off somewhere with his dad. But the problem is they have the Twinkie" Sarah says as she looked at everyone.

Pope rolled his eyes as he spoke "Our transportation.... I could ask Heyward for the truck"

JJ immediately looked at Pope "Uh... what? Yeah, that's gonna go well"

"I know, but we have no other options" Avery nodded her head agreeing with Pope. It was true they had no transportation so they may as well ask even if they knew the answer was gonna be no.

After Pope had told them his dad said no Kiara went home to ask for her parents care which they also said no. So that only left Avery. JJ had gone with the girl since he had a motorcycle.

Avery was now sitting on the couch explaining everything to her mom as he dad listened but paced around the living room, and JJ watching from the kitchen "okay, the cross of Santo Domingo that we found. We thought it was gone forever. We just find out it's... it's gonna be in Wilmington tonight"

"Okay, and the cross is Popes family-" Averys mom Michelle starts saying but her daughter had cut her off trying to get to the point.

"Popes family heirloom. Look, we found it and Rafe and Ward stole it from us" Avery states as her voice got a little louder getting annoyed.

"Wait, do you know how insane you sound? Ward is dead" Micheal says raising his voice at his daughter.

Avery looked up at her dead "Ward is not dead, we've been over this part a million times. Why would I lie about his being alive?" The brunette yells as she took a deep breath and looked back at JJ "JJ? A little help?"

"Ward is alive in the Caribbean. He's living off the loot that he stole from us, and, uh, yeah, he's flying across to Wilmington" JJ states as he put up three fingers indicating the three stuff he just had said.

Micheal was not having it though. It sounded like bullshit to him "give me a break, man"

"You're right. What do I know, though? Just saw with my own two eyes, so did Avery, but whatever"

"I'm skeptical, okay? I am skeptical, JJ, as in 'i think it's all bullshit'. I think you've been led astray, Avery. And you JJ, let's get this out in the open. Let me tell you something. You need to understand that I do get it" Micheal says as he walked over to JJ making Avery stand up from the couch.

"Sure you do, yeah" JJ says as he cracked his hands smiling. If JJ was being honest he wanted to punch him in the face. He was getting annoyed.

"I do okay? Look, i like you, JJ, and I bet you're fricking fun to hang with, ditch school with, go down to the break. Because i was once just Like You, Bro. I didn't thing that anything mattered. Thought I could make up any bullshit story and these stupid Kooks would believe it. But then I learned about hard work, and about what really mattered. All I care about, all that I care about is my daughter. That's it. And all that I know is that she was a lot better off  before she met you and your friends"

Hearing her dad say that made her scoff and walk over to her dad and JJ "i was never better off without them"

"Yes you were" Micheal says as he looked at his daughter

"No, i wasn't. I was miserable" Avery admits

"Miserable?" Micheal repeats not believing his daughter "no, these Pouges have ruined my daughters life"

JJ took a deep breath "didn't mean any disrespect, Mr. Hepner. Yall have a good day" JJ walked towards the front door.

"What Are You doing?" Avery asks trying not to say something she'll regret since that was her father.

"What am I doing? Protecting my daughter. Everybody says it, that he's a liar and a thief. He's just like his father" Micheal yells. What they didn't know was JJ was listening.

"He's nothing like his dad, so you don't get to say that. You don't even know him, dad" Avery yells back

"I don't know him?" Micheal repeats with a disgusted look on his face. While they were arguing JJ stole Micheals wallet. JJ wouldn't have done that but since Micheal said he was a thief he may as well be one.

"You know what I'm done talking to you. I don't care that you're my dad, you're being a real bitch to a teenage boy for god sake" Avery rolls her eyes as she turned around grabbed her phone and walked to the front door.

"Where do you think you're going? And speaking to me like that? Come back now" Micheal yells following his daughter who closed the door on his face and walked over to JJ who was on his motorcycle ready to leave.

"JJ, im really sorry, for my dad saying all of that" Avery apologizes as she hopped on the motorcycle and placed both arms around JJ.

"It's whatever, i already know what they think of me. You ready?" JJ asks as he looked back at the brunette girl who smiled and nodded at him. Then they were off.

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