Chapter 4

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I sigh, stretching as I recall my dream from last night. I can't shake this feeling that it could mean something. Something important. As I process these thoughts, I'm hit with the profounding realization that I'm getting married tomorrow.

A knock sounds and opens with three women and my father entering; the women carry bathing materials as my father brings the washtub. "Good morning, Caspia." He said, setting the tub in the center of the room. He begins introducing the women. "These women will be assisting you today and tomorrow. Preparing you for your wedding and wedding night." I nod, "This is Sarah, Maryanne, and Elizabeth." He points to each woman as he says their names. Sarah is tall with flowy blonde hair and is very clearly pregnant. Then there were Maryanne and Elizabeth. They looked a lot alike. Both had dark brunette hair and dark green eyes; they looked a lot like twins, only Elizabeth was a bit shorter than Maryanne.

After my father left, the three of them started preparing a bath. "So, you're getting married tomorrow?" Elizabeth asks; I smile and nod, "Do you love each other?" Sarah scolds Elizabeth,

"That is an improper conversation, Lizzy." Maryanne rolls her eyes,

"Come now, Sarah. Love is not a topic of improper conversation." Maryanne looks over to Lizzy with a smile, "Besides, my dear sister will have her impending nuptials before too long." I glanced at Lizzy, who didn't look too thrilled about getting married; is she being forced to marry someone she doesn't love too? I wondered.

As I bathed, I looked over to Sarah, feeling the urge to ask about the wedding night, but was too embarrassed to. As if noticing my uneasiness, Sarah asks, "Is something the matter?" I feel my face flush, but worked up the courage,

"What happens on the wedding night?" Sarah seemed taken aback by my question and glanced at Maryanne as if asking for help. Maryanne then asks,

"Did your mother not tell you?" I processed the question, sinking into the water to hide the tears trying to run down my still-flushed cheeks. The three women watched me for a moment before Maryanne asked, "Did I say something wrong, my lady?" I shook my head, sitting up in the tub as I rubbed my hands over my face to remove the tears from sight. I took a breath, sighed,

"My mother," I began, "she passed giving birth to me. I was raised by my father and the crew." All three of them looked generally concerned for me. Still, I brushed it off, "Being raised by men, a lot of the conversations I should have had with my mother, I had to have with other women in brothels when we docked. But the one conversation I never had was what happens on the wedding night." Sarah nods,

"Lizzy," she says, turning to the shy girl, "please, step out of the room for a moment." Lizzy stands and exits the room. Once Sarah was sure she was gone, she began to explain everything.

I cringed at the thought of performing this marital act. "It's normal to be scared at first." Sarah explains, "But I will say, it does become more pleasurable after some time." I nod, sinking back into the tub. I wasn't going to say it out loud, but Sarah must be crazy to think something like that could be pleasurable.

After my bath and I was dressed, I decided to take a walk through town, and of course, Sarah, Maryanne, and Lizzy joined me as chaperones. Looking at some quills, I overhear a commotion nearby. A man was raving about something he had seen, but everyone who passed glanced at him like he was crazy. When we started walking away, I heard what he was talking about.

"I saw it! It had dark skin and the bluest scales I've ever seen!" One of the men sneered at the man,

"You've been in the sun too long, old man." I rolled my eyes but continued to listen,

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