Chapter 14

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I found Adella still in the throne room with Lizzy. The moment I saw her, my heart skipped a beat, but only for a moment. I swam in and cleared my throat, gaining both of their attention. "Adella," I said, "I need to speak to you. Privately." Lizzy bowed her head and left the room while Adella swam to me,

"I'm sorry, Caspia." She told me, "I should have stayed farther out that day," I stopped her,

"Adella, it's okay." I said, "It wasn't your fault or mine." Adella smiled at me, "But, I will say that since we met, my life has been so much better." Adella raised a brow,

"Your husband." I rolled my eyes,

"Let me finish." She giggled and allowed me to continue, "I'm not sure what it is exactly, Adella, but I feel connected to you. And I'm certain that you were right; we are mates." I opened the small clam, revealing the ring. Adella's hand went to her heart as she gasped,


"Adella, please, be my mate." I said, "Be mine?" Adella stayed silent, which scared me; I closed the shell and began to panic, "Is it too soon?" I asked, "I told my mother it was too soon." I thought for a moment, "Okay, no, I didn't, but I did imply it." I believe Adella slammed her lips to mine, mostly to get me to stop speaking.

When she pulled away, I was left speechless and still awaiting her answer, "I love you too, Caspia." She tells me; I smile,

"Is that a yes?" I ask; Adella smiled, wrapping her arms around my neck before replying,

"Yes." And with that muted response, Adella kissed me once again. Before we knew it, cheers erupted behind us; we parted to see my mother, Lizzy, and most of the guards behind us, watching as this awkward proposal took place. "Can I have my ring now?" Adella asked. I chuckled, taking the ring from the clam and placing it on her finger.

"Looks like I have a wedding to plan." Mother said, and I couldn't help but giggle,

"Just don't go overboard, Mother," I warn her, but she brushes me off,

"It's been too long since we've had a royal wedding!" She said excitedly, a realization hitting her in the process, "A coronation! We still need to announce that you're going to take your place as princess of the mermaids!" I looked to Adella for help,

"Don't look at me." She says, "I'm with her on the coronation part." I groaned, feeling defeated by my mother and new fiance.

"Fine." I said, "You can plan a coronation, but until we figure out our plan to manage the hunting from the humans, I don't even want to consider planning the wedding." Adella smiles,

"On that, my love, I can agree."

"Yes." My mother agreed, "We need to make certain the people are safe." I nodded, "And we'll announce the coronation, have that tomorrow. That gives us until then to come up with a plan, then we can focus on the wedding!" I nodded, ready to get it over with.

My mother, Adella, and I stood on the palace balcony as everyone gathered in the square. "I hope you two are ready." She told us as she swam out and was greeted by thousands, if not millions, of cheers. "Hello, my brethren!" Mother said above the sounds of cheering that seemed to echo through the water, "I have a few announcements to make this wonderful day; on this day, my daughter, Caspia, has returned to us from the humans to take her rightful place as your princess!" Mother beckoned me to come forward to greet everyone. I swam beside her and waved to the crowd of merfolk. I felt so at peace as they all cheered for me. "Her coronation will commence tomorrow at high noon, and after, she will be your crowned princess, your future queen!" I took a shaky breath to calm my nerves. Still, it wasn't working, "As well as the coronation of your princess, we will also be celebrating the engagement of my daughter and her mate, Adella." Adella swam beside me, taking my hand as she waved to the people.

The moment she took my hand, I instantly felt a wave of calm wash over me.

After the announcements, Adella and I swam together for a little while. Trying to figure things out. "What's wrong, Caspia?" Adella asked, clearly concerned; I shrugged,

"I'm worried," I told her, "I'm worried for my father. There is no telling what Gregory and Hunter are capable of." She took my hand and led me to the clamshell.

"Say his name." She told me, "You'll be able to see what he's doing at this very moment." I turned to the shell and muttered his name,

"Captain Thomas Thatch." The shell glowed brightly, and soon, I could see him. "Father..." I reached out to touch him, but the image flickered as I did. He was holding a piece of paper that I soon realized was my letter to him. He picked up a bottle of rum and began chugging it.

"Captain." I heard Gregory say, "It's only been a day; I'm certain we'll find her." He told him, but my father wasn't listening,

"Shut your mouth, Gregory!" Father yelled, "Your son, my daughter's husband, isn't even distraught by this! I'm beginning to wonder about his intentions towards her." Gregory looked pissed,

"You're drunk, Captain." Gregory told him, "Perhaps you should retire early." The look in my father's eyes said to me that it finally clicked, even in his drunken state,

"It's you." He said, "It's been you this whole time!"

"Captain," Gregory said in a warning tone, "You should rest. You could hurt yourself." He didn't stop. Father stood and went towards Gregory, pulling his sword from its holster,

"You will never have this ship." He told Gregory, "I'll renounce your son as Captain; maybe that will bring my daughter home to me!" It pained me to see him this way,

"Like hell you will," Gregory said, and in a single motion, my father was cut down,

"FATHER!" I screamed, watching as he fell to the floor at Gregory's feet.

Adella took me away from the shell, watching the horrifying image disappear. She held me as I cried. At that exact moment, guards barged into the room, weapons ready to fight, but all they saw was me, being held by Adella as I cried over my now-dead father... I made a vow to him and myself,

"I'm going to kill him," I muttered under my breath between sobs. Adella couldn't find the words to comfort me, so she held me, waiting for me to give her some sign that I was calming down, but calm isn't the word I'd use to describe my feelings. No, that's not even close to my feelings right now.

I'm pissed.

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