Chapter 22

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It was time... Adella, my mother, and the city's citizens stood ready to fight. We had gotten information from Lizzy that Hunter and his men were planning to attack at noon. Just as I had hoped, Maryanne's husband was asked to join, which put them in the clear to sabotage and gain intel for us.

It was nearly noon, and I could feel my pulse racing. I stood amongst my people, my family waiting to sound the word for us to attack. I've fought before, but this time, I was fighting people I stood beside, people that helped my father raise me.

The feeling of eyes staring at me, burning me in the back of my skull; I just hope we don't lose many if we lose any.

I didn't even have to look to know that Adella was standing beside me, ready for whatever came. At that moment, Lizzy swam out, yelling, "They're coming!" I nodded, raising my spear, signaling that it was time.

"Get ready!" I yelled and waited...three, two, one, "Charge!" We bolted to the surface. Shifting the second, we came in contact with the land.

"Welcome home, my bride." I was shocked to see Hunter and the crew standing there, ready to fight after we shifted. The moment I saw Hunter, grinning, sword ready, I didn't know what came over me; I charged him, our weapons clashing against each other as he blocked my attack.

"I am not your bride!" I yelled as we began to fight.

I'm not sure how long this fight went on. All I could see was hatred for the monster before me. Either I was too blinded by my anger or too careless in my strikes that Hunter could pin me on my back, his blade at my throat, "So," he said, glaring down at me, "How's my son?" I looked down at my protruding belly, "I'm not going to kill you, Caspia." He told me, "I'll keep you alive until my son is born. But for the rest of these monsters, this will be their end! Say goodbye to your 'friends,' Caspia." Hunter motioned for two of his men to grab me. As they began to take me away, I didn't know what to do as I watched in terror as Hunter turned and joined the others in the massacre of the mermaids.

At that moment, it was as if everything was blurred. By rage? My fear for the loss of my people? I wasn't sure. But I found the strength to break free from my captures; they weren't much either. Hunter had two of the weaker crew members take me. I remembered them. They had private lessons with me and still never managed to take me out.

Breaking free, I ran. Adella was running towards me, retrieving a sword that lay on the ground in a pool of blood. "Caspia!" She screamed, throwing me the blade. I caught it and brought it crashing against Hunter's as he blocked it.

I could see the fear in his eyes as we fought. Our swords collided as the sounds of shouting and weapons clashing together surrounded us. Adella ran to my side, and together we fought Hunter. "You're the evil sorceress that stole my wife from me!" Hunter yelled at her, but she smiled when I replied to his words,

"No, she's the woman that showed me how to love." I said as she and I pointed our weapons at him, "And now she's my wife." Hunter looked at us with disgust,

"You are not going to raise my son with a woman!" He yelled at me, "I will not have a weak son!" He swung his blade, but we both managed to dodge it. I maneuvered myself behind him and kicked him in his back, watching as he fell to the ground, his sword sliding away from him. Adella grabbed it, pointing it at him, daring him to try and get up.

Hunter turned over, facing me, spitting his blood onto the ground. I got down to his level, and with a smile, I told him, "My daughter will be strong." With those words, Hunter's face turned pale; his blood must have been running cold as he watched me stand back up and get ready for the kill. "For my father," I said, "and for my people, this war is OVER!" I pierced Hunter's heart and watched as life began to drain from his body, escaping into the air, a void.

The moment the blade entered his body, everyone froze. I stood there, his blood on my sword, my wife at my side, and a weight that was finally lifted from my shoulders. I raised the sword above my head, taking Adella's hand in mine, and yelled to everyone, "This war is OVER!" Everyone circled around us, humans, mermaids, and halfbreeds alike. "If you want to stay in Windenburg, then stay, but this town is now the home for everyone. It doesn't matter if you are a mermaid, a human, or even who your mate is. If you cannot accept this, leave because we are here to stay!" I watched as many men began leaving, but some stayed with us. I smiled as I laid my head against Adella's shoulder, closing my eyes for a moment, that is, until...

"Princess!" Someone called to me, "Come quick, it's the queen!" My heart began racing again as Adella and I ran, following the woman that shouted until we saw my mother lying on the ground. Not moving.

"Mother!" I shouted, shaking her, trying to get her to wake up. "We have to get her into the water!" I yelled, "The water will help her!" I dragged her to the water, trying to pull her, but Adella stopped me, bringing me to the ground and holding me as I cried out, "We need to get her in the ocean. It can save her.

"My love," Adella said softly, "it's too late. She's gone...." I shook my head, burying my face into her chest,

"I can't...I can't lose her again...." Adella held me as I cried, stroking my hair.

My father is gone, and now my mother is gone after thinking for twenty years that she was dead.

Adella and my child are the only ones I have left in my family, except for an aunt and an uncle that I don't even know, but maybe I can get to know them. It'll be a terrible way to meet family, having to bury someone you love.

I continued to cry; that's all I knew to do.

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