Chapter 23

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After the war and the funeral, I felt like I was on the verge of disappearing into a dark depth that could consume my body, mind, and soul. I got to meet my aunt and uncle, and it turns out that Edweana and I are cousins! I'm glad to know that I have more family, even with my parents not here anymore.

My daughter is due soon.

Adella emerged from the water as I sat on our rock. The place we first met. "Hello, beautiful." She said as she made her way towards me, rubbing my belly. "Could be any day now." I nodded,

"I hope soon." I replied, "But at the same time, I don't want her to come until we have a real wedding." Adella smiled, shaking her head as she kissed me.

"Why not now?" She asked,


"We could have the wedding now." She said again, "Here. Where we first met. We could have those that can join us on land, and those that can't, can stay in the water and watch as we take our vows once again." I thought for a moment; it sounded perfect. I nodded,

"Let's do it!" Adella helped me down, and we both ran off to tell everyone. Telling them all about the wedding that would take place that evening at sunset.

And I couldn't be happier.

Sunset came, and I was standing with Lizzy and Maryanne in a flowing gown of white and blue with a bouquet of waterlilies in my hands. Everyone was gathered around the rock, and there stood Adella with white shells covering her breasts and a flowing skirt that hung on her hips nicely.

As we made our way over, the people parted, creating a path for me to come through; taking Adella's hands, I stood in front of the rock. Sitting on top of it was Edweana; I looked to Adella, and she shrugged, "I figured we should have our witness from our first wedding officiate our second since your mother couldn't be here." She explained. I nodded,

"We're also having your coronation as well." Edweana added, "We need a queen, and you are next in line." A single tear slipped from my eye as I thought about my mother, someone I wish could be here. I nodded, then replied,

"Let's begin." Edweana nodded and began to speak,

"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." Edweana turned to me, "Repeat after me," I spoke as she spoke,

"I, Princess Caspia, take you, Adella, as my wife and lifelong partner. To love, cherish, and help you protect the sea as your equal." Edweana smiled, turning to Adella,

"Now you,"

"I, Adella, take you, Princess Caspia, as my wife and lifelong partner. To love, cherish, and help you protect the sea as your equal."

"With the power vested in me, as the cousin to the Princess, I now pronounce you mates!" Before we could kiss, Adella stopped me, taking my hand and putting it on her belly,

"We also have another child on the way, my love." She told me; my jaw dropped,

"Wait, your?" She nodded,

"I'm pregnant!" I kissed her, and everyone around us cheered. We were going to have my daughter and our own child too. Two children only a few months apart? We are going to have our hands full.

Before we went off for our wedding night, Edweana had two crowns at her side and began to place them on our heads, "Do you, Princess Caspia and Adella, promise to care for the ocean and its subjects until the end of your time? Do you swear to abide by the people's laws and help them no matter the cost?" Together, Adella and I answered,

"We will." She nodded,

"Then I announce you, Queen Caspia and Queen Adella of all mermaids." 

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