Chapter 24

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Adella and I decided to have our wedding night at the Inn in Windenburg. Since we were married on land, I thought it would be special. As we entered the room to what was supposed to be the most incredible night of our lives, however, our daughter had other plans. The moment we entered the room, I felt a pain in my belly that caused me to double over in pain, "Caspia," Adella said, "what's wrong?" I looked up at her a muttered with a shallow breath,

"She's coming." That's all I had to say before she sprung into action. Adella helped me to the bed and then ran off to get a doctor.

When she returned with the doctor, they also had one of the mermen come in, "Your majesty," the doctor said, "we must get you into the water. It will help with the birth." I nodded and was soon scooped up and carried off to the sea.

Entering the ocean, I felt the bubbles begin to form around me, and soon my tail appeared, but the pain only grew worse that I was screaming. "Doctor, help her!" Adella screamed at him. He stood there, looking down; it wasn't she, and I both looked down that we saw Edweana, Lizzy, and Maryanne coming up to us,

"We're here, Adella." Edweana told her, "Don't worry, Caspia and the baby will be okay." Adella nodded as Edweana and Lizzy took my hands, and the five of us began swimming away,

"W-Where are we going?" I asked with labored breath. Edweana turned to me and smiled,

"The birthing pool." She replied, this immediately sparked something in Adella as she visibly became calmer, "It's a pool of water in an underwater cave that has special properties that help us when we give birth to our children." We continued swimming deeper and deeper into the water.

The pain was nearly unbearable when we got to the caves. I felt like it was almost time; I looked at them, "I don't think I can hold out much longer." I cried; Adella cupped my face,

"We're almost there, just a bit more, my love." We started to swim up toward the surface after we entered the cave. There was an air pocket that allowed us to come up and catch our breaths,

"Adella," Edweana said, "we need you to help pull us out of the water." Adella nodded and pulled herself out of the water, followed by Lizzy and Maryanne. Adella and Lizzy helped pull me out first, pulling me onto the cool, smooth surface of the rock. Maryanne was waiting in the pool as they began to lower me into it, then they went to get Edweana.

When we were all together, Edweana and Adella took my hands, "We need to swim around," Edweana told me; I shook my head,

"I can't...." I told her, but Adella turned my face to hers,

"Caspia," she said sweetly, "you are going to do this. I know it hurts. I know you don't think you can do this, but if you don't, I will find some way to get our daughter out of your belly. Now, swim!" With a sudden twinge of fear of my wife, I began swimming with the help of Adella and Edweana, and Lizzy and Maryanne watched.

The shimmering, crystal water helped ease some of the pain as we began to swim, and I could feel my child shifting around my womb as she began to ready herself to meet us. But then I started to panic, "Won't she be born with legs?" I asked, "How will she survive all the way to the surface?" Edweana assured me that royal blood allows a child to be born with their tail long enough to get from the birthing pool to the surface. Still, since most are purebloods, this will be the first half-breed born in the pool. It doesn't change the fact that she does have royal blood.

After what seemed like forever, she was finally here. My daughter. I held the precious child in my arms and looked at her delicate features. She had my red curls, fair skin, and a dark purple tail that glistened in the water. "She's beautiful," I muttered,

"What's her name?" Edweana asked; I shrugged,

"We never discussed it." I told her, "How about Delphine?" Adella smiled at the name as she extended her finger to the tiny infant in my arms,

"It's perfect." Adella said, "Princess Delphine." Delphine took her tiny hand and grasped Adella's finger, making us all smile.

"We should go when you're able, Caspia." Maryanne told us, "We won't know for how long she'll have her tail." I nodded; I felt stronger already.

"I think we can make it," I said; Maryanne and Lizzy got out of the water to turn, and once they did, they began helping me. I passed Delphine to Adella so they could get to the other opening while the others helped me to get to the opening too. Adella passed Delphine back to me, then got out to help the others get Edweana. Once they had her, we all swam off to the surface to introduce my daughter to her people.

We announced the birth of Delphine, and then I thought, "Adella," I said; she hummed in response, "what if we rebuild Windenburg and rename it?" She looked at me curiously, "The shark half-breeds have my uncle as their leader, and my aunt is the leader for the octopus half-breeds; why not have a place for the half-breeds of humans? A place Delphine could rule here and her sibling rule Nephnis."

"That sounds like a great idea, Caspia." Adella told me happily as we watched Delphine squirm in her blanket, "A perfect balance of land and sea."

"What would we name this new kingdom?" I asked; we both thought for a while,

"What about Titania?" I chuckled at the name, "What?" She asked, becoming defensive of her suggestion. I shook my head,

"Nothing." I told her, "It's perfect. The kingdom of Titania, and its future ruler, Princess Delphine of the sea." We both giggled and shared a kiss before glancing out at the ocean. Wondering what would happen to our people and our children.

Only time will tell now.

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