There's a tiny ghost on my desk. I don't know why he's there, and I don't think he knows why either. But we have a mutual agreement. If I tell him all the gossip, and read him stories, he'll give me book ideas and listen as I vent.
I cherish that little ghost deeply. He sits so perfectly among the pens and paper, atop of the jar of sweets. He's tried to convince me many times to allow him into the jar, but I don't think he'll leave any candy for me.
His ideas are so perfect, with plot twists and characters so real it makes my heart ache that I'll never get to meet them. His advice is also the best, although he sugarcoats everything so that I don't feel bad.
He takes my side in every argument, offering up the right words for me to win. My little ghost and I are best friends, and no matter how much he and I may stray, we always come back together in the end.
However there was a time when my little ghost vanished entirely and I gave up hope on him ever coming back. The reason for his departure was unclear, however I think I might've been because I stopped listening to his advice. Instead, thinking I knew better, I would ignore him and in the end, I would end up getting hurt.
My ghost came back a month ago, making his presence known by snatching some of the candies when I left the lid off. Without him, I was unable to write and felt trapped, but now that he's back, I get to tell him all the tea and he gets to help me write.
From this story, know this, everything in life is a balance, and it might feel like the scale is portioned unevenly, but you must find the thing to make it balanced and then, you will truly know peace.
Short Stories
Storie breviConfusion is good for the mind. Try to figure out what each of these stories mean. Hint: they all have more than one meaning