Alternate Universe Introduction

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Mankind Species:

Origin Humans
They have been around ever since the creation of Earth and the ancestors of the subcategory of humans. They were known to be extinct, but no one knows if that was true. When the subcategories of humans appeared, it was said that the Origin Humans already thinned out.

Blessed Humans
Ever since the power of nature grew stronger, it began affecting the humans and acquiring abilities regarding what blessed them. There is a low probability that there will be no powers inside a human in their lifetime.

Cursed Humans
They were only called cursed because aside from the power of nature, they also adapted the appearance of any species known in mankind.

Damned Humans
They are the most unfortunate known in mankind. They are only ordinary humans without any curses or blessings. Although they convinced themselves that they were the most pure of humans, they were still ostracized by the rest and wouldn't even be allowed to see the light in their life.

Animal and Plant Species:

They were the earliest species of animals and they could be likened to dinosaurs.

They were the species that adapted to the changing world and most of them were docile because of exposure to mankind.

Just like the Blessed Humans, they were also affected by the power of nature and acquired abilities specified to the nature they acquired.

Cursed/ Mutated
Most of them were humongous and had incredible destructive strength that they were categorized according to how much damage it inflict on Earth before they could be purged.

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