Chapter 24: Danger Within

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Alpherion, Bernice, Gregor, and Sebastian were reprimanded for not taking the pills administered to them. Incidents of this nature were commonplace among them, so pills were prepared in advance to ensure ingestion before their final procedure.

All of them underwent surgery in separate rooms. When Gregor, the last of the three men, emerged from the recovery room, Alpherion and Sebastian were anxious as they awaited Bernice's exit. Gregor joined them, having been offered a light snack prepared by Sebastian. It was nearing 5 PM, and Sebastian had a prior engagement. However, the situation grew peculiar as it approached the one-hour mark. The procedures for the three men had taken only about 15 minutes each, yet Bernice's was extending beyond the anticipated duration.

"Why hasn't Bernice come out yet?" Alpherion muttered, unable to contain the question any longer.

"Should we ask someone?" Gregor mused, standing up to search for someone to inquire.

"No, just stay here. I'll find someone. You both need to rest," Sebastian insisted, preventing Gregor from wandering off.

Sebastian moved towards the motion sensors at each door along the corridor. The doors wouldn't open automatically, but their sensors were designed to alert the occupants to the presence of unauthorized personnel. Sebastian planned to exploit this by pacing back and forth in front of each door to signal his presence.

"What are you doing, Sebas?" Alpherion voiced the question that he and Gregor had been pondering.

"I'm signaling my presence," he replied.

"By just going back and forth?"

"They have motion sensors here," Sebastian said, gesturing towards the sensors on each door.


In a few moments, the door slid open, and an annoyed staff member appeared.

"What do you want?"

"Sir, we've been waiting for Bernice Folsom, and she hasn't come out yet, even though it's been almost an hour—"

"She's nearly finished," the man stated, then closed the door firmly.

"What... is happening?" Alpherion was dumbfounded. They had only just joined Sebastian in questioning the man when the door was abruptly shut in their faces.

"Don't you think this is strange?" Gregor mused.

"It is strange," Sebastian confirmed.

"What should we do, then?"

"Let's just stay here and wait," Sebastian said, a bad feeling gnawing at him, shared by the other two.

With that small seed of suspicion planted, they resumed pacing the corridor. Suddenly, multiple crashes sounded from within one of the rooms. They halted in front of that room just as Bernice emerged, paler than ever. Her breathing was ragged, and her eyes, unfocused and dazed, failed to recognize them. As her knees buckled, Sebastian caught her, exchanging a glance with the other two. Without a word, they understood that their plan to inform Bernice had to be abandoned in favor of immediate care.

"We can't leave her with them," Alpherion said, aiding Sebastian in carrying Bernice as effectively as he could with only one arm.

"We're going to your laboratory, right, Sebas?" Gregor asked, leading the way outside.

Gregor was tasked with keeping guard for anyone nearby to ensure they could reach their meeting point without attracting much attention. They had already mapped the entire area, including surveillance cameras, with Sebastian's assistance. Consequently, they arrived at a secluded spot where Sebastian promptly opened a pre-prepared portal to his room. Upon entering, he took care to eliminate any sign of the portal's existence and harmonize the space with the surrounding atmosphere. Otherwise, if an investigation for out-of-place energies were to occur, it would quickly reveal an intruder within the academy grounds.

Alpherion and Gregor assisted in preparing the room where Bernice would be staying. They busied themselves in the adjacent room while Sebastian attended to Bernice, doing everything he could to aid her recovery. In addition to setting up Bernice's room, Alpherion and Gregor volunteered to support Sebastian with various minor tasks.

When the crisis was averted, it was already 11:46 PM.

Exhausted, they returned to Sebastian's room, their bodies slumping as their strength drained away. Alpherion and Gregor both wore faint smiles on their faces as they lay down on the cold floor. Despite the discomfort, they felt a sense of satisfaction.

For Gregor, this was a novel sensation, one he eagerly wished to experience again. He resolved to accompany Sebastian wherever he went, offering his assistance in any endeavor the man undertook. Gregor recalled how Sebastian, despite his youth, had traveled the world. For the first time, Gregor had discovered his life's calling, filled with a tender sweetness he never wanted to lose. Yet, he knew he needed to study for this path, but the thought of being separated from the group was unbearable. How could he convey such feelings? Expressing his desires was not in his nature; he was hesitant to reveal what he truly wanted.

"You guys..." Sebastian muttered under his breath.

Alpherion and Gregor looked at him with a slight glow on their faces.

"Take your medicine and then get some rest," he instructed, handing each of them a bottle of water along with their respective medications.

"Okay," they replied in unison, then took the medicine that had been provided.

Sebastian observed their synthetic skins, each fitted with a Holowrist. There was no sign of blackening beneath the synthetic layers, indicating that their wounds had not reopened. Fortunately, Alpherion and Gregor had recovered so swiftly that it was almost astonishing. Their bodies, while not drastically different from others, were certainly unique. In any case, Sebastian realized he should ramp up medicine production in his territory. The primary challenge, however, would be acquiring the necessary ingredients for the production process.

Suddenly, a low ring emanated from his Memento. 

Happy reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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