Chapter 3: Assassination Target (TW)

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Sebastian was quietly sitting on the hill where he could see the servants of the Grafton Estate busy with the departure of Hale to her academy. She was only here for a vacation. Hale needed to return to attend to her neglected duties as the Student Council's Vice President since she reunited with Sebastian.

Because of the deal between them, Sebastian would also be attending as a student with her. It wouldn't be that bad since the academy would also support their living expenses. Also, Sebastian recently discovered that the academy where Hale was attending was the High Order Academy. It was the academy that housed and protected the people who survived the tragedy that happened simultaneously all around the world. Which means the people that he saved should be in there. Of course, they wouldn't be able to recognize him since he didn't show his face or anything that could risk his identity.

If they knew the truth behind why they lost everything but their lives... the lives he ruined by surviving alone, they would end up despising him.

Sebastian could help them more if they were attending the same academy. He would repay them until the day that he died.

He was awoken from his reverie when Hale called him from the foot of the hill.

"Sebby! Why are you still there? We're all ready to leave!"

Hale was wearing a uniform that fit snugly with her body. Instead of a skirt, she wore slacks and low-heeled black shoes. Her hair wasn't long enough to be tied entirely, so she braided both sides.

Sebastian stood up and then quickly went towards Hale. He flinched when Hale reached out to remove the dirt from Sebastian's pants. He immediately avoided her and patted it himself. His thoughts were spiraling out of control. Hale had always been shameless anyway, but why would she do this for the love of god? She was incredible, but... strange. Weird, even. Well, both were technically the same, but he couldn't describe what he was experiencing with her.

"Don't do that again. You can just tell me...," Sebastian protested meekly. However, he still opened the carriage door to let Hale in. Sebastian shouldn't ask why they used an old-fashioned carriage when they had a modern car that would make the journey much faster and more comfortable. He shouldn't ask, yes, or that would make Hale upset again.

"By the way, Sebby... You have an ID, right?" Hale asked as she took Sebastian's hand to enter the carriage.

She seemed pleased with how he was escorting her. After all, Hale made Sebastian practice etiquette until he could do it instinctively. That was more tiring than training with weapons and combat armor. Hale said learning etiquette was one of the most important things he could do to be a proper escort. He didn't know if that was true, but in the end, Sebastian thought it could provide help someday. Etiquette was one of the things that he wouldn't be able to learn without a proper teacher.

"Yes, I have them. Don't worry about it." Sebastian was looking at Hale as if she was underestimating him.

Hale giggled at the look Sebastian was giving her. Her eyes were downcast, saying, "I thought you also forgot about it. You know... since you forgot a big part of your childhood. I thought you didn't know your birthdate and your place of birth."

"Ah... yes, I don't have any memories of them. That's why I only got my ID issued when I turned 19."

"Then, that's great! Did you manage to get your legal documents?"

Sebastian didn't answer and gave Hale an apologetic look. She could only laugh weakly at his response. It just meant that Sebastian only got the bare minimum of benefits from the government. Since his identity was unverified and he was deemed an orphan, he only got an ID as a pity.

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