Chapter 10: Returning to the Abyss

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The ferry rose steadily toward the surface, methodically withdrawing its protective layers. Even from their remote position, the imposing silhouette of a watchtower on Epoch Isle loomed on the horizon.

Sebastian felt awkward around Hale but didn't avoid her. He could muster only a tight smile in response to her previous words. Hale noticed Sebastian's awkwardness and smiled gently, seemingly pleased by his thoughtful demeanor. Sebastian, eager to overlook the prior discomfort, shifted focus to the activities happening around him.

From the wide glass window, Sebastian watched ferries reappear one by one. The water's surface caught the light, outlining the ferries in a soft glow. It wasn't every day that ferries submerged, and the passengers now had a chance to enjoy the view. However, the suite offered the most commanding panorama of all.  

Four ferries sat motionless upon the water as if anchored to the still surface. 

The captains held their ferries in place, awaiting signals from Epoch Isle's port. Through Sebastian's keen vision, the extent of the damage was evident—not catastrophic, yet sufficient to sever external communications. Figures bustled about in urgency, likely mending the docks or repairing communication equipment to resume contact with the vessels. Evening had settled by the time their ferry reached Epoch Isle's port. Sebastian continued to monitor the news for reports on the earthquake, the massive tsunami, and the following aftershocks. Despite the disrupted communication, Sebastian found alternative ways to gather information about the ongoing situation. 

There were a lot of casualties, but the government realized that their protective domes wouldn't hold on until the aftershocks finished. The wave was estimated to be around 100 feet tall or even more. That was why they immediately evacuated all the residents to a safer place with their possessions before the second wave struck the dome. 

The dome let out a resounding clamor, reminiscent of an echo born from the collision of two massive metal sheets, overwhelming in its urgency. Such an alarming and novel sound instinctively rooted fear deep within their hearts. 

News channels were saturated with interviews and announcements, promising an investigation into the earthquake's cause and technology development to prevent future occurrences. There were reimbursements plus government aid to the affected populace.

Sebastian lounged on the suite's sofa, perusing the holographic display before him. Despite the comfort, a sense of emptiness lingered within him. He empathized with the government's handling of the crisis, aware of the immense psychological toll it exacted on its members. The victims understood the profound loss one could endure in a single night—not a loss of wealth, but of people cherished deeply within their hearts. 

Sebastian was aware that his abilities to provide comfort were limited. He hoped peace and solace would find those affected through new connections and shared experiences.

Sebastian closed the screen when he heard the familiar footsteps outside the suite. He stood up and then opened the door.

Hale was about to knock when the door opened. A shadow dawned upon her as she smiled, saying, "We're ready to disembark now. Did you already finish doing everything?" 

"Yes," he responded. 

"Great! Let's go. It's late now, but the academy opened its door for us. Fortunately, I already got your keycard to your room in the dormitory. We'll be taking the HoverService with the other students to go there," she said as she pulled Sebastian by his wrist to alight the ferry. 

The surroundings were eerily silent. Aside from the occasional sound of the waves hitting and their feet stepping on the ground, darkness enveloped the sky. 

The service cars waiting for them were already levitating from the ground, ready to leave. Their engines ran quietly—so smoothly that no vibrations disturbed the interior. Inside, the weary students dozed off with no regard to their appearances.

Hale pulled him as they sat at the back of the driver's seat. She made herself comfortable before letting lethargy take over her body. 

Meanwhile, Sebastian was wide awake.

He was finally here. There were no more escape routes in the future. He was already at one of the major branches of the enemy camp. Sebastian's only option now was to move forward. The search for evidence all over the globe while also trying to support the family of the deceased from the Tragedy was taking a toll on his body. In addition, daily threats were the norm for him. He always had his guard up, and it was getting tiring. Would he still be able to hold on until he reached the end of his goal? He wouldn't. 

Even if he entered the enemy camp, he could hack into their system and edit his data. Fortunately, the restoration of the communication from the outside was still underway. He had enough time to fake his identity. 

He asked Hale to change his name to Sebastian Nebati, a wordplay from his first name, to their database. He had been using this name ever since. Should anyone delve into Sebastian Nebati's existence, they would uncover seemingly ordinary details. He also made more detailed information if they wanted to unearth every single detail of him. Those were proven details since he staged those solely in preparation for this. 

He must tread carefully to accomplish what he must do here. 

His deep Obsidian eyes were empty as they watched Hale slowly leaning on his shoulder. Now that he was here, his previous thoughts about warmth lessened. 

After years of preparation, this arrival would be his first step to the abyss. No, it wasn't his first step. 

It was his return to hell. 

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