Chapter 22: Moving Forward

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Since there was no more time, Alpherion, Gregor, and Sebastian offered their farewells to Bernice and departed from the infirmary.

Caitlyne was still outside, having mutually agreed to enter their homeroom together with them. They reached their classroom just as the professor was comfortably seated, idly interacting with her Holowrist. Classes were about to begin in five minutes, and they were the only ones not yet present. They braced themselves as the chime resounded, at which point the professor rose to her feet, a radiant smile illuminating her face.

"Good morning, Class 306."

"Yes, ma'am."

"I am Bridgett Colney, and I will introduce you to the wide array of abilities this academy has taught and nurtured. However, this does not imply that such abilities are acquired. The abilities of students admitted into the High Order show promise, and we also provide sanctuary to victims of the Tragedy, training them to harness the powers they received on that fateful day. Allowing them outside the High Order without mastery of their powers could spell disaster for those beyond these walls, should their abilities run rampant."

"First, I would like you to learn about the era when people first manifested these enigmatic abilities. There is no precise timeline for their emergence, but studies suggest the existence of a human species possessing incredible abilities to command and control nature. Termed the 'Origin Humans,' their powers were simultaneously pure and formidable. An impenetrable mystery continues to shroud the precise sequence of events and the specifics of their abrupt departure from Earth. Although records of their lives pre-disappearance are nonexistent, archaeologists have discovered evidence linking their existence to the fallen Sol Empire. Despite our extensive research and hard work, the emblem was the only relic we discovered."

Bridgett activated a function on her Holowrist, and the emblem of a weathered sun crowned with regality materialized. Upon seeing it, Sebastian experienced a piercing ring in his ears and a sensation akin to being pricked by a needle in his head. Despite the acute pain and persistent ringing, he demonstrated remarkable fortitude while attempting to place the eerily familiar image.

Throughout his travels, and even within the mountainous domain he so meticulously oversaw, he had never encountered anything that resembled the emblem now before him. So, where had he seen it?

"Legend has it that the fallen Sol Empire once reigned over the entire continent. According to common folklore, the era represented the pinnacle of humanity's thriving. However, records indicate that the Crown Prince went missing as the Sol Empire became embroiled in wars against other kingdoms and empires, leading to its eventual demise. Of course, since this was around 20,000 years ago, paintings and written records have not survived the passage of time. Despite this, we have discovered evidence that the world then was even more bustling and vibrant than it is today. Seemingly, the disappearance of the Origin Humans signified simultaneously the zenith and the nadir of the Sol Empire's prosperity.

"Of course, this historical account should not dishearten us. After all, every one of you possesses abilities, and that is merely the beginning. The Origin Humans were, undeniably, human as well. They fell in love and left descendants. Herein lies our focus on the humans blessed by the Origins. Although their spouses lacked powers, being ordinary humans, their offspring and subsequent generations did not.

"These were challenging times. You are all familiar with genetics, aren't you? Inevitably, some individuals did not inherit any so-called blessings. Society divided them into two groups: the cursed and the damned.

"The cursed were known to manifest characteristics akin to animals, while the damned possessed no remarkable traits. This distinction warped societal perspectives. Today, we no longer employ these terms; however, not everyone might embrace our contemporary understanding of the world. That concludes the introduction to the four recognized groups within humankind. It remains an open question whether other groups exist; such discoveries belong to the future. Returning to the Origin Humans, I mentioned their pure and potent abilities, correct? They could command and control nature, a power tied intrinsically to their Innate Physique."

A hand shot up as soon as it became apparent that the professor preferred to entertain questions.

"Yes, Theron?"

"What do you mean by 'Innate Physique'? Weren't we discussing their ability to command and control nature?"

"A good question! The reason is that their bodies could absorb the energy of nature itself. Every fiber of their being, every cell composing their bodies—everything imaginable—is infused with the power of nature. Since the energy that circulates within them is derived from nature, commanding and controlling such energy becomes an extension of their essence."

Sebastian firmly believed that the woman harbored an obsession with the Origins of which she spoke.

Even though he wanted to deny it, the characteristics of Origin Humans comprised his physique. It seemed he had yet another task to undertake. Since the territory he was responsible for was a part of the Sol Empire and exacerbated by the peculiar symptoms of his brain attempting to unearth forgotten memories, he could not afford any delay in uncovering his true identity.

The territory within the mountain range was expansive; however, his visits were confined exclusively to the library, laboratories, warehouses, and the house he considered home. He had not yet performed a comprehensive search of the vast domain, an undertaking that could span weeks, months, or potentially years to complete.

Consequently, he found himself with no alternative but to seek assistance.

Should he persist in his stubborn resolve to handle all matters alone, his endurance in this place would be short-lived. Moreover, there was the unsettling encounter with that individual in Auditorium 1, and now the woman before him, incessantly expounding on her obsession with the Origin Humans. It seemed highly probable that Colney was affiliated with that man's organization, elevating Sebastian's risk from the very first day of classes. Given the circumstances, he began to doubt his capacity to function normally, feeling the immense pressure already weighing heavily upon his spirit.

He had to acknowledge the truth now. The years he had spent avoiding a confrontation with the man were not in preparation for future endeavors. Instead of evading, he should have utilized that crucial time to devise strategies against his adversaries. Though others may regard the time as fleeting, each day unfolded endlessly, marked by a vigilance that edged toward exhaustion.

Indeed. Sebastian had no choice but to seek aid, and among the few he could somewhat trust, it was Hale alone in whom he could place a measure of confidence.

Happy reading!

© to the original owner

Author's Note: 
I don't know what I am doing anymore. Haha. What's going on? ...( _ _)ノ|

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