Chapter 16: Gregor

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Despite his continuous mumbling, Gregor started eating. He grumbled about the food being too grownup as he chewed.

Sebastian was amused as he watched Gregory blindly consume whatever lay before him. It was at this moment that Alpherion emerged from his bedroom, beholding the absurd scene of Gregory weeping while eating. Yet upon hearing his words, Alpherion found himself at a loss. He had intended to record Gregory, but reconsidered, feeling it would be inappropriate. After all, his typically stoic friend, who usually spoke only when necessary, was now openly expressing his emotions. Wishing not to disrupt the raw sentiment, Alpherion joined them silently, partaking in the meal Sebastian had prepared.

The room resounded with nothing but sobs and childlike complaints. The heartbreaking reality was that Gregor, fully aware of his parents' passing, continued to call out for them, each plea woven with apologies.

A few moments later, Gregor regained his senses. Unabashed, he simply stared at the empty plates. Unsure of how to address Sebastian and Alpherion after his past had been embarrassingly exposed, he remained silent. The quietness from both men only intensified the awkwardness of the situation. However, Sebastian broke the tension by producing three packed ice cream sundaes and handing them out. Without a word, he returned to his tasks. Gregor's gaze shifted to Alpherion, who was thoroughly enjoying the ice cream.

Gregor felt a mix of skepticism and relief, grateful that neither man seemed inclined to interrogate him about the scene they had witnessed. With a sense of thankfulness for their discretion, he began to eat the sundae, his heart feeling somewhat unburdened.

"Hey, we're starting classes tomorrow, right?" Alpherion interjected, breaking the ice.

"Yeah, we'll be in the same class, so let's get along," said Sebastian as he folded the apron on his arm and extended a friendly handshake to them.

Gregor and Alpherion shook Sebastian's hand, each using their un-operated hand. As Sebastian began tidying up, his device chimed with a sudden notification—a call from Hale over the public network. He excused himself and retreated to his room before answering.


["Hi, Sebby,"] Hale greeted, then continued, ["How are you? I'm sorry I wasn't with you when you all received the microchips. Have you had breakfast yet? And are you planning to go to the cafeteria together later?"]

"Yeah, we've already eaten. We'll head there later," Sebastian replied dryly.

["I'll accompany Bernice, then. See you later. I still have a mountain of paperwork to get through today. If I finish at least half before lunch, I should be able to join you. Bye!"] Hale said. However, she didn't disconnect the call, seemingly waiting for Sebastian's response.

"Okay, take care. Don't overwork and I'll see you later."

["Okay!"] Hale's voice was cheerful as she hung up.

Sebastian suddenly remembered what he had forgotten: Bernice Folsom. She had been with them the previous day, but her presence had slipped his mind until Hale's mention of their other companion. Now, he pondered whether to unveil the truth about the microchips to her. Would she trust him? He doubted it; such a revelation might come across as bizarre without context. For the time being, he decided upon caution. Once convinced of Bernice's reliability and that she wouldn't act rashly, he might disclose the information, as he had done with Alpherion and Gregor.

Speaking of which, how had Alpherion come to know?

After knocking thrice, Sebastian entered Alpherion's room. Alpherion and Gregor sat in silence, absorbed in reviewing their syllabus for the coming semester. Given the High Order Academy's extensive range of activities—encompassing academics, athletics, and missions beyond the academy grounds—a semester spanned 10 months. The academic term commenced in February and concluded in November.

Ordinary enrollments take place within the first two weeks of January. However, transfers resulting from catastrophes bypass the enrollment process, with these individuals proceeding directly to the academy to assess the powers they acquired from the Tragedy.

To the survivors, calling their afflictions 'powers' seemed a cruel misnomer—they were more akin to curses. Dispossessed of any chance at normalcy, they resolved to embrace their altered destinies. Missions accounted for half of their curriculum, a necessary commitment alongside rigorous training to harness their abilities and academic instruction. Advancement was essential; without it, they would stagnate, relegated to inconsequential tasks. Progressing to a higher academic year unlocked opportunities to venture far from the academy on missions with a select team, offering the prospect of returning to the incident sites—a significant yet elusive milestone.

The victims' primary aim was to return to the sites of their respective incidents. It was a journey requiring them to advance from menial tasks to more investigative missions. Understanding the events that led to their trauma was a necessary step for them to begin healing.

Meanwhile, students hailing from noble families, as well as those with ancestral powers, often avoid missions.

They preferred to fulfill their curriculum entirely within the academy's walls before graduating. Upon completion of their studies, they typically pursued careers in agencies or orders or assumed governance of their territories.

Discrimination between noble families and survivors was regrettably commonplace at the High Order Academy. Both groups had their respective advantages and disadvantages, leading to frequent comparisons. Although strict academy regulations curbed physical confrontations, verbal jousts were common outside of regulated sparring sessions. Even when enmity simmered between two sparring students, overt violence was strictly forbidden. Typically, students who steered clear of missions—and were thus less accustomed to life-and-death scenarios—fared poorly against those who had faced genuine peril. Nevertheless, consequences still loomed for those who might severely injure their peers, whether through legal suits or the more extreme measure of assassination.

Survival of the Tragedy did not grant immunity from the law. Those who transgressed could still face detention, incarceration for years, or in the gravest circumstances, a death sentence.

This very reason necessitated continuous updates to the academy's regulations. As Sebastian perused the end of the syllabus, he found a comprehensive schedule outlining the entire week for the students.

The schedule listed the opening ceremonies on Monday and Thursday, from 5:00 AM to 5:45 AM. Breakfast was slotted from 6 AM to 7 AM. A crash course on understanding abilities was scheduled from 7 AM to 9 AM, followed by training sessions from 9 AM to 12 PM. Lunch was set for 12 PM to 1 PM. Aside from the closing ceremony on the last day of the month, from 7:00 PM to 7:45 PM, the remainder of the schedule was open.

There had been one week allocated solely for students to select their courses.

Alpherion and Gregor exchanged glances as Sebastian reviewed his schedule, a silent understanding passing between them.

"There appears to be an early course selection today," Sebastian remarked, turning another page. "I'll look into it. You two should rest for the day."

"Ah, no. I'd like to accompany you. I should check out the potential courses as well," Alpherion replied, tucking his chair under the dining table.

"Mhm, I feel the same," Gregor voiced, mirroring Alpherion's actions.

"Very well. Allow me to prepare a few things. Ensure you have your water bottles and any essentials you might need," Sebastian quickly instructed before exiting the room. 

Happy reading!

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