Chapter 15: High Cost

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Sebastian found the situation peculiar. He had discreetly transferred funds to Alpherion's bank account, along with a letter that framed the transaction as voluntary assistance. The sum was modest, chosen to stay within the bounds of reluctant acceptance.

Could it be Sebastian had made an error in his investigation into Alpherion's background?

He pondered whether there might be remaining family members capable of claiming the money. In the absence of legal claimants, the situation could alternatively involve coercion or theft. Sebastian reproached himself for not examining the matter more meticulously. He couldn't excuse his oversight by citing his busy schedule as a barrier to comprehensive research. More assistance was required, yet he hesitated to deploy all his drones and robots to gather information from human sources. Additionally, he was hesitant to delegate these sensitive tasks to others, fearing the possibility of betrayal or incompetence.

The thought churned in his stomach, leaving him to question his competence.

The transferred funds were meant to aid Alpherion's recovery and provide for a fresh beginning. Who, in good conscience, would extract money from someone reeling from a recent catastrophe? Sebastian resolved to delve deeper before retracting the funds. He would also scrutinize how the families of the deceased had utilized their money. Should he discover any misuse, he was prepared to intervene.

For now, Sebastian was determined to support Alpherion, ensuring it wouldn't intensify his troubles.

"Alright, just contribute a donation once you receive your allowance at the end of the month," Sebastian said, making his way into Alpherion's bathroom. There, he began to assemble his surgical kit, thoroughly disinfecting the area before covering it with sterile drapes.

"Between the two of you, who should go first?"

"Let Perdi be first," suggested Gregor, reclining on the sofa. Nodding towards Alpherion, who was visibly eager to enter the bathroom, he added, "He's more desperate than I am."

Sebastian offered a wry smile before skillfully extracting the microchip from Alpherion's wrist. He then promptly embedded the microchip into the synthetic skin he had prepared. It assimilated seamlessly, and Sebastian proceeded to suture the incision on Alpherion. He meticulously aligned the tissue fibers to minimize scarring, knowing that any residual marks could later be treated with special ointments from his supply.

Everything stored in his territory consisted of top-notch products of the highest quality. With legacy recipes and exceptional blueprints at his disposal, his current life was a marked improvement over his past struggles to survive in the sewers.

Once the operation was complete, it was Gregor's turn.

The protocol remained unchanged as Sebastian prepared a fresh set of surgical tools for Gregor's operation. By late evening, the bathroom had been cleaned, and the procedures were complete. Alpherion lay unconscious in his bed, his bandaged wrist suspended from the same pole he once used to support Hale. In the living room, Gregor rested on a makeshift bed, his wrist similarly elevated. With time, Sebastian administered liquid painkillers into their drip bags, programmed to dispense precise doses at regular intervals. After verifying that all was arranged properly, he installed a monitoring system for the two patients and then withdrew to his laboratory via the portal in his room.

He needed to analyze the pills provided by the academy.

Since his enrollment in the academy, Sebastian had gathered significantly more data than during his ventures. Despite the risks, it was essential for him. As a wanderer, his actions were restricted to managing consequences: providing financial support to bereaved families and aiding survivors monetarily. Moreover, he sought traces of the facility where he was once confined and its global offshoots. Inevitably, this meant confronting adversaries intent on his demise – a constant over the past years. Yet, despite his dedication, he had not uncovered any substantial leads, and his efforts often felt in vain.

Sebastian had been unaware of the High Order Academy until Hale prompted him to enroll as a student. Initially, he assumed it was a typical educational institution. However, Hale's revelation about the true nature of the academy appeared to him as a glimmer of hope at the end of a dark tunnel.

His only regret was not gaining admission to the academy through conventional means. Instead, he was introduced by none other than Avenn Grafton, Hale's father. Nonetheless, he had no choice but to accept this route.

Should an altercation occur, he would not hesitate to sever ties with them. The issue was strictly between Sebastian and that man.

In Sebastian's expansive laboratory, the table where he worked was the sole illuminated spot as he analyzed the properties of the pill. His attention concentrated on adding a chemical to a sample in a petri dish, which marked the last test of the day. After securing the dishes under optimal temperature conditions, he allowed himself a moment to stretch and crack his joints. Reactions from the reagents took upwards of two hours, with none occurring instantaneously, suggesting that the chemical concentrations in the individual pills were not potent. It seemed likely that their effects were cumulative, subtle over time to avoid detection with daily increments.

Later, when time permitted, Sebastian intended to conduct more complex tests for a thorough analysis of the pill. For the moment, he summoned several robots, instructing them to meticulously record every alteration observed in the Petri dishes. At his command, they commenced their vigil, operating tirelessly.

At 4 A.M., Sebastian emerged from his laboratory into his bedroom. After eating, he entered Alpherion's room to check on his two patients. Fortunately, they had not awakened during the night. He retrieved his medical kit, tended to their stitches, and applied fresh dressings. Once finished, he surveyed the contents of Alpherion's refrigerator, finding only pre-made meals. Opting for something more substantial, he used the ingredients he had purchased to prepare a simple gruel, accompanied by meat and vegetables.

At 5:45 A.M., a groggy Gregor awoke to a tantalizing aroma that left him dazed for several moments. Still befuddled from the anesthesia of the previous day's two surgeries and the medicinal effects that lingered from his sleep, he hadn't even noticed Sebastian lifting him to the table.

Gregor suddenly mumbled, "I don't want to get up yet, Mommy..."

Sebastian glanced at Gregor as he placed a plate of stir-fried beansprouts and fermented honey garlic on the table. He couldn't help but express mild surprise at hearing such childlike words from a normally stoic man. Gregor's moment of regression was understandable, though; he had lost his parents at just two years of age. Although he was raised by relatives, Sebastian hadn't delved deeply into the man's family history. Reflecting on his past investigations, he conceded that his efforts might have lacked thoroughness. The oversight that someone could embezzle the funds meant for survivors—a fate that had befallen Alpherion—was something he now recognized. Determined, Sebastian knew a more exhaustive inquiry and pursuit of the offender was imminent.

For now, a thorough investigation was imperative. Yes, it would add to the heavy burden he already bore, but it was a necessary step nonetheless.

In reality, the sheer volume of tasks demanding his attention had caused him to overlook certain obligations. Something was eluding him at the moment—a niggling sense that he had forgotten a detail. Though it escaped him now, he hoped clarity would come with time. 

Happy reading!

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