Chapter 20: A Small Change

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It was currently Monday, 4:31 AM.

The students were already assembled in Auditorium 1 for the Opening Ceremony of the new semester. The room was abuzz with activity as they arranged themselves in line according to their homeroom numbers. Alpherion, Gregor, and Sebastian had taken their places at the end of the line in Room 306. Due to his considerable height, Sebastian stood at the rear to ensure an unobstructed view for the other students. Alpherion, marginally shorter, positioned himself in front of Sebastian. Gregor, meanwhile, had been assigned a place further ahead, with four others intended to stand between him and Alpherion. Nevertheless, Gregor insisted he did not mind relinquishing a clear view to stay with his friends.

Despite his preference, the class president dragged Gregor to his designated spot.

Then, a commotion unfolded before them.

Caitlyne Driade, the class president, surveyed the lineup of girls from her homeroom class. "Bernice Folsom?" she called out. Finding not even a strand of familiar ash-gray hair, she turned to the girls who resided on the same floor and inquired, "Where is Bernice Folsom?"

"We don't know," replied the girls, looking at one another as they shook their heads.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Caitlyne raised an eyebrow, her tone intensifying with the inquiry. "You all live on the same floor; if one of you is missing, you should be looking for her. And what have I observed? Nothing. Does none among you hold concern for your floor-mate, who might still be recovering from her recent surgery?"

The girls fell silent, exchanging glances with one another.

Caitlyne, visibly exasperated, scrutinized the four girls before her. In truth, she understood their behavior all too well. Once an acquaintance of Bernice during her high society fame, she understood the undercurrents of their reluctance.

Caitlyne raised her hands in surrender and declared, "I'll handle it. She should be excused from the Opening Ceremony if she has a fever," before departing.

With Caitlyne gone, the vice president of the class assumed her duties, reviewing the attendance sheet she had handed him. After confirming the presence of all, he took his place at the front of the class lineup and waited for the ceremony to begin.

It was precisely 5 AM when the esteemed members of the Student Council proceeded to the stage.

Sebastian narrowed his eyes, taken aback by the sight before him. His heart seemed to leap from his chest, its pounding almost deafening. His vision began to blur as he struggled to regain his composure. Sebastian tried to reassure himself that the person on the podium was not the actual person, merely someone who bore a striking resemblance. He could hardly believe his first challenge would present itself so soon.

He did not even know how the opening ceremony started or ended. Before he realized it, he found himself outside the auditorium, with Caitlyne leading him to their homeroom.

Sebastian found his thoughts spiraling out of control once again. He did not anticipate encountering a relative of the man here. At most, Sebastian expected to meet some of the men from the lab who might recognize him, but not this. He never considered this possibility.

Ever since he had surrounded himself with many people and decided to infiltrate enemy territory, he had become too complacent for his good. He should not have taken the present moment for granted.

He must continually be mindful that this place harbored the potential for disaster. Indeed, should circumstances escalate to their extreme, eliminating that individual might become necessary. Yet, upon reflection, this was not a viable course of action. Hale, the enduring vice president, had likely maintained a close association with that person throughout her term, suggesting a significant bond between them. Consequently, he should refrain from lethal measures for now, lest he risk disappointing Hale.

Sebastian found his train of thought screeching to a sudden stop.

He was not like this—

"Sebastian Nebati?"

"Yes?" Sebastian answered instinctively, turning to face Caitlyne standing before him.

"You're finally answering," she remarked with mock annoyance. "I told you to sit at the very back. You may choose the seat next to the window or against the wall."

Sebastian scanned the room before heading to the seat beside the wall. As he settled into the comfortable chair with a state-of-the-art table that doubled as a locker, he ran his fingers over the lower portion of the wall. Being the last to sit, Caitlyne introduced herself as the class president.

"I am Caitlyne Driade, the heir of the Count Driade. Since we are almost late for breakfast, I will keep this brief. Your assigned seats for the next two semesters will depend on your knowledge of the protocols. As you know, a semester spans ten months of the year, so your seat will remain reserved for two years. Seat exchanges will only be permitted if incoming transfer students are shorter in height than you."

Caitlyne's gaze landed on Sebastian as she quipped, "Well, except for Student Nebati, there will be no seat exchanges. The new semester's opening ceremony comprises two parts. The latter will occur on Wednesday at the same time. The closing ceremony, to be held at month's end, will include evaluations and the distribution of allowances. That should suffice for now. After breakfast, Madame Bridgett Colney will expect you; therefore, ensure arrival before 7 AM. That's all for the moment. Dismissed."

The students exited while Caitlyne diligently ensured that the room was vacant. Her eyes fell upon Alpherion, Gregor, and Sebastian as they approached in a group. Despite her slight stature relative to the men before her, she displayed no hint of intimidation and asked, "What's the matter? Do you have any questions?"

"We just want to know where Bernice is."

"Ah... Bernice," Caitlyne murmured. "She is currently in the clinic receiving medication and proper care. She has a high fever and will be unable to attend classes today. Should you wish to visit her, ensure that a female adult is present; otherwise, her reputation as a noble might suffer due to a visit from three gentlemen alone in the clinic."


As they discussed having breakfast in the clinic, Caitlyne called them again.

"Hey, wait. I will accompany you to the clinic." 

Happy reading!

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