Chapter 13: A Speck of Light

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After breakfast, the three guys met up with Hale and Bernice.

Although Hale hadn't seen Sebastian in the cafeteria earlier, she spotted them together right outside the building, lounging on the grass. A blanket was spread beneath them, and with eyes closed, they basked in the sun. The friends had grown so close that serenity marked their features, and a sense of comfort permeated their circle. Hale took in the tranquil scene, Bernice standing quietly at her side.

Bernice Folsom was the latest addition to the group of newly transferred students. As the only woman among them, she initially seemed reluctant to join. Nevertheless, she hadn't found companionship outside the group. Fortunately, Hale Grafton was present to provide solace. The vice president of the Student Council showed no concern over Bernice's burn marks, and not once did Bernice see a flicker of revulsion in Hale's gaze—a true comfort. Even during previous tours, Bernice had sensed other women's wariness, a sentiment that now weighed on her. Struggling with their presence, it was a challenge just to share a space with them.

Bernice was aware that harsh judgments would follow her, regardless of whether she was alone or in the company of her remarkable peers and the vice president. At times, she harbored a wish to be male.

Alpherion wore his scars with an air of indifference to mockery, but for her—a woman in their eyes—these blemishes told a different story. Friendship was elusive, and love was even more so.

"Hi, guys!" Hale said with a teasing tone.

Sebastian glanced upwards and saw Hale and Bernice watching them from a higher vantage point. Alpherion and Gregor sat up and stretched, savoring this moment as their first opportunity to relax completely worry-free. The experience was far preferable to loneliness, a liberation from the prison of their thoughts and the crowded cafeteria. Their thanks were owed to Sebastian, who had initiated their escape from such an ordinary environment.

"Hey... uh..." Alpherion mumbled, trailing off.

"Mhm," Gregor hummed, signaling agreement with whatever Alpherion was about to say.

"Are we going to eat here, from now on?"

Sebastian responded with a grin, "That's what I'm already planning."

"We can join too, right?" Hale interjected as she pulled Bernice with her to sit on the blanket.

"You're welcome to join. You guys don't mind if they come along, right?" Sebastian asked the others, his voice reflecting a hint of uncertainty.

"I don't mind."

"I don't mind too."

"That's great!" Hale clapped her hands and informed them, "You need to be at the registration office tomorrow right after breakfast. We'll give you your academy ID then. Just brace yourselves; it will be implanted in your body. For now, feel free to explore the farthest part of the academy or simply rest in your room. Unfortunately, I have work to do and won't be able to accompany you."

"It's fine. Is Bernice going to join us?" Sebastian asked.

"If you all are willing to take me," Bernice whispered.

"What about you, Alpherion, and Gregor?"

"I think we should travel today. You okay with that, Greg?"

"Mhm. I have to buy necessities afterward."

"Ah, right. Me too," Alpherion nodded.

"I'll accompany you later too, then. But first, we have to drop off Bernice at the Female's Dormitory."

Hale's eyes twitched as she apologized to Bernice. "Sorry if these guys are already thinking about what to do after the tour and completely ignoring us."

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