Chapter 12: Brethren

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The cafeteria was densely populated with students. Conversations filled the air as they collected their meals with trays in hand. The brightness of the space was particularly impressive due to the transparent architecture on one side of the room.

The lively atmosphere of the cafeteria momentarily disoriented the three new students. Efficiently, they procured trays from the counter and queued for food. Their acquaintance was still fresh; thus, a quiet tension hung between them, interspersed with fleeting, awkward glances. Sebastian, notably taller than the others, naturally attracted attention as they collected their breakfast and seated themselves in a secluded corner. With his remarkable features captivating onlookers, Alpherion and Gregor began to feel increasingly overshadowed, subtly retreating into the background. 

Sebastian stopped them and said, "Stay here. I'll get something to take out our breakfast. Let's eat somewhere else." 

Alpherion and Gregor unconsciously sat down while watching Sebastian ask a senior student unabashed. They were amazed how the tallest man in their group could be so shameless. 

"Don't you think he's trying to take care of us?" Alpherion murmured, staring at their food tray filled with delicious food. 

"Maybe," Gregor succinctly responded, his eyes blankly staring at the beautiful rising sun. 

"When do you think he will get tired of us?" 

"Later. Just enjoy it while it lasts." 


Meeting in a shelter, Alpherion, and Gregor formed a close bond due to their mutual experience as victims of the Tragedy. Their connection was forged by the unforgettable trauma they endured, not by common hobbies or personalities. The onset of the Tragedy, sudden and with undisclosed causes, remains an ineradicable memory for both.

They were only living their ordinary lives one day, and they suddenly saw their parents or loved ones explode right in front of them. 

Alpherion was with his girlfriend, helping her cook at that time.

Alpherion and his partner united since childhood, were a testament to a harmonious relationship. Their frequent disputes only deepened their love. Laughter would follow their inconsequential bickering—until an incomprehensible tragedy struck. As they shared a kiss, Alpherion became drenched in a viscous, crimson substance. Paralyzed by the horrifying sight before him, his mind struggled to comprehend as piercing shrieks replaced what should have been screams, echoing from all directions. 

Moments later, hushed stillness restored Alpherion's capacity for rational thought.

Alpherion's body trembled, knees buckling under the weight of his anguish. He kept calling his girlfriend's name, crawling to what remained before him. Her battered dress and shattered bones, her silky long hair... He clutched at them, taking a bone to his face. He couldn't care less about the pain he was experiencing in his body. It was his precious girlfriend's bones that stabbed him. What if it festered? It would be even better if he died with her. Weakness engulfed him, and he collapsed on the bloodied floor, pulling every remains close to his heart. 

Overcame by despair, no tears were leaving his eyes. He just felt exhausted.

Gregor observed his friend's void expression, tears flowing, as Alpherion dwelt on the memories of the Tragedy. He had dissuaded Alpherion from taking his life, urging him to honor his girlfriend's memory by living. Gregor, who lacked close relationships, empathized but couldn't fully sympathize. Their friendship, fostered in the shelter, was marked by a lack of deep trust; they were close in proximity and shared history, yet they only knew what the shelter's walls had witnessed. 

Moments later, Sebastian arrived, carrying three durable, one-time purchase Tupperware. 

"Here it is," he said as he handed over the other Tupperware to Alpherion and Gregor. Sebastian disregarded Alpherion's distant gaze on the food tray and began packaging his meal. 

"Come on, Alpherion?" Sebastian asked while maintaining his amicable expression. 

"Ah... yeah. Thanks," Alpherion snapped and rubbed his eyes, taking the Tupperware from Sebastian with his other hand. "Where are we going to eat?" 

"There," Sebastian pointed outside the transparent window. "I brought blankets. Let's have a picnic for breakfast. We have more than one-hour alloted time here anyway." 

Receiving no response, Sebastian took it as implicit consent and moved ahead. He remained aware of their listless steps trailing behind him. His hope lay in guiding them to reconnect with the outside world and, in time, to regain their independence. The journey would require patience and effort, but he was committed to providing both. 

Sebastian unfurled the blanket on the grass, anchoring its corners with weights. With all preparations complete, he sat down unreservedly and gestured for them to join him for the meal. 

Thankfully, they followed him and ate in silence together, taking in the scenery and savoring the crispness of the fresh air they breathed. 

Sebastian closed his eyes as he listened to the lively crowd behind him. The majority of the students here had families with their innate abilities passed from their ancestors. The population of the victims may be only a bit smaller than the ones that didn't experience the Tragedy, but it was rapidly increasing. In truth, most of the families had ancestors that experienced the Tragedy firsthand. According to the records Sebastian amassed before his escape, individuals with the most potent energy, regardless of generation, were consistently pivotal to their findings. However, that was all Sebastian could find. Sebastian was unable to locate his records within the facility where he was. There were a lot of facilities and laboratories everywhere, but they were all occupied and had high security. 

In contemplating infiltration, Sebastian recognized he lacked the means to do it unassisted and would struggle to distinguish between the coerced laborers and the project's deeply entrenched collaborators. 

Haunted by the deaths of innocents, Sebastian felt a profound weight upon his conscience. With the blood of countless lives staining his hands, the weight of that guilt was immense. He determined not to escalate the toll further, recognizing that even his demise could not atone for the magnitude of loss.

Happy reading!

© to the original owner of the photo

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