Chapter 2: Missing Memories

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It has been three days since Sebastian was found. Although he couldn't reciprocate the familiarity of the people living here, he still did his best to be amicable with them. It was strange to witness people happy just by him being here. He didn't have the spirit to hurt these people, so he obediently followed them. Would this be alright?

"Sebby," Hale Grafton called with his eyes squinted beautifully at him.

Sebastian wasn't used to this kind of man... or woman... Hale said that he should be able to grow as an adult woman a few months later, so it was perfectly fine to address him as she and her. It was what she had been using all this time anyway. In any case, Sebastian wasn't used to having someone dress prettily for him. According to the servants, Hale never paid attention to her looks until he came here. He had to ask them if it was alright if they had to expose their master like this, which they viewed as a joke.

"What's the matter... Hale?"

"Nothing much. Have you had your morning routine?"

Blinking his eyes, Sebastian said, "I already did some light exercise. I will train later after I fix some of my things."

"You should eat breakfast, you know? It's good for your body if you're doing extensive training," Hale pouted.

"I didn't have the time to make breakfast when I was living alone, so it became a habit. I didn't pass out from energy deficiency either, so it wasn't a problem for me if I didn't eat breakfast," Sebastian said as he took the hem of his soaked shirt. He suddenly paused and turned to look at Hale, who was looking at him with pure eyes.

It wasn't a bother for him if someone watched him change his clothes. However, the person before him seemed to have a strange glint hiding in their eyes. He suddenly felt violated. He could only blame his senses honed from battle after battle as he brushed through the boundaries of life and death. The person watching him didn't know that Sebastian was becoming uncomfortable with her gaze.

"I... uh... will only take a shower," Sebastian took off with the towel hanging on the balcony of his room.

That was how Sebastian escaped his predicament. His thoughts on Hale still didn't change. That person was still dangerous.

As another day passed, Sebastian couldn't bear it any longer and resolved to escape the estate today. Their hospitality had become too much for him, and he wanted to leave immediately. Also, he couldn't bear to see how Hale showed melancholy whenever she tried to strike up a conversation and accidentally brought up the past that Sebastian couldn't even remember. Still, it was impressive whenever Hale renewed her enthusiasm to make as many memories with Sebastian as possible.

Around this time, Hale would be having her siesta. Sebastian was planning to take that opportunity to escape this suffocating place. To leave the estate without alerting anyone, he hacked into the system barrier.

However, he couldn't bear to step out once he was in front of the barrier. Even though he was with the people of the estate for only four days, they were truly kind and compassionate people. He could also hear a voice calling his name in distress--as if afraid that he would be leaving this time for good. Sebastian tightly closed his eyes and released a breath he had been holding. He turned his feet around and rushed towards the person who had been calling him.

"Sebastian...." Hale collapsed as she lost the strength to keep standing. Her eyes were red, and her tears never stopped flowing. She reached out to Sebastian with her trembling fingers.

Sebastian could feel his entire being break. He had already seen multiple farewells of loved ones because of death. Now, he was seeing something more profound from Hale. It was her fear and her desperation to keep him within her reach. He immediately kneeled before her and wrapped her trembling hands into his. Her skin was cold, and her pulse was beating so fast.

"Sebby, are you going to leave?" She managed to croak between her hiccups. "Again?"

Sebastian suddenly regretted his decision and shook his head. "No, I'm sorry."

His expression was pained, and Hale reached to caress Sebastian's face. Tenderly and softly.

"You're going to stay, right?" Hale tentatively asked.

"I can't promise anything, Hale," Sebastian smiled weakly. There were a lot of things that he needed to do that could endanger the lives in the Grafton Estate. Even if these people cared for him greatly, they wouldn't escape death once they involved themselves in his business. The burden was just that heavy to carry. He couldn't let anyone else do it in his stead. Even if he ended up dying in the hands of his enemies, he would do his best to fulfill the responsibility that he needed to take until his last breath.

Suddenly, the strength in Hale's hands increased, making him look into her eyes.

"Then, at least accompany me until you leave. I'll hire you to protect me until you want to quit. Please, stay with me a little longer."

Sebastian's eyes shook. The person before him... no doubt, was incredible and resilient. If he was in her shoes, he would rather have himself leave and save the trouble of this emotional burden. He respects that about her. If that was the case, he should protect this person until it was time for him to leave her side.

Happy reading!

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