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Saturday: 6 days to go

It was just a normal day at South Park. Just normal. It was the weekend. - Saturday to be specific, and the boys; Craig, Tweek, Jimmy, Tolkien and Clyde were at Stark's Pond, just being silly.

Jimmy was practicing his jokes and comedic acts to Tolkien and Clyde while Tweek and Craig were just talking. "S-Suh..So guys... M-My w-wuh-wife said I should do l-luh...lun...lunges to stay in shape. Th-That would be a big st-step forward." Jimmy positioned himself up straight, being proud of his joke. Clyde chuckled a little and put his hand over his mouth, chuckling more. Tolkien just glanced at Clyde and giggled.

"Jimmyyyyy! You shouldn't be saying stuff like that! Though.. It is pretty funny." Tolkien said to him, snickering a little. Jimmy just grinned wider as to seeing them still chuckling about.

Jimmy peered over to overhear what Tweek and Craig were talking about and crutched over to the two. "H-Hey pals. Wh-What's goin'?" Jimmy looked at Tweek's expression and saw he was all paranoid. "Gah! Jimmy! They..They're coming for us!! It's the Russian g-goverment!! They're going to get ussss!!!!" Tweak spat out and just pulled his matted hair. Craig just sighed and pointed to the 'at' symbol and showed it to Tweek. "Tweek. Look. It's not the real Russian government. The username is literally 'russiangoverment_69'." Jimmy snickered as he heard the '69' part which Craig just rolled his eyes and looked at Tweek.

"It could be a secret account!!  Er.. Aghhhh!! They're out to gr..ggrhhrh... gret... nghh.. GET me!!!" Tweek bit his bottom lip hard and rubbed his arms aggressively. Craig just rubbed his back soothingly and closed his eyes. "Tweek. Just caaaaallllllmmmmm downnnnnn." Craig answered. Tweek just did his eye-twitch tics, but calmed down more. He loosened his posture and just clutched onto Craig's sleeve tightly.

Tolkien was just standing there awkwardly with Clyde. The two boys kept glancing at each other, then looking away. Tolkien wanted to break down the silence so bad, but had nothing in mind to say. He just walked over to where Jimmy, Tweek and Craig were and just stood with them, making Clyde quickly follow along.

"Hey, I noticed Tweek looks a bit.. Paranoid. Is he good?" Tolkien asked as he turned his head over to Craig. Tweek just murmured some incoherent nonsense and Craig just did a little hand wave. "Yeahh, he'll be fine. Just give him some time," he responded.

Clyde was just standing there, a little jealous. He wanted a little attention! He crossed his arms and pouted as he turned away. Tolkien turned to him and sighed. "What's wrong now, Clyde?" Tolkien said this in a natural way, like this happened frequently - which it did.

"It's nothingggg." Clyde just humphed and looked at the four boys. "Always such a crybaby," Craig muttered under his breath. Clyde just glanced at him and rolled his eyes. Tolkien just sighing. "Clyde pruh..proub-pffpt.. probably has a tampon up he-his ass." Jimmy commented, making Craig and Tweek laugh a little. "Wh-Whatever," Clyde replied as he swiftly turned away, not wanting to be with these people.

Tolkien - who was giggling a little - just sighed and put his hand on his shoulder. "Clydeeeee. Don't act like this just because of a little.. pfft.. comment Jimmy and Craig made." Tolkien assured him and softly rubbed his shoulder. Clyde, feeling Tolkien's touch, felt warmer and sighed. "Okay.." saying as he turned back to the four main boys.

"Wh-What do we.... ngghghgh! do now!!?" Tweek blurted out, cocking his head side-to-side a few times uncontrollably. "How about we just go to a taco place? I know a good one and I'm starrrrrrrrvvvvvinggggggg~!!!" Clyde saying the last part with a bit of emphasis.

Craig just sighed. "Always you with tacos and bein' hungry." Craig added. He crossed his arms and shrugged slightly. "I'm fine with that idea though. I dibs not paying." As soon as he said the last sentence, he booped his own nose and as soon as everyone saw what he did, they tried to do the same. Everyone except Tolkien. All, but Tolkien, had said 'Dibs not' and had touched their own noses with their pointer finger and just looked at him. "Ohhhhh noooo. Looks like I have to pay for it." Tolkien said with his 'oh no' voice. He didn't really mind paying for this stuff though. He did have that money anyway and didn't really like people spending money for him.

All on a Halloween party {Tyde // South Park}Where stories live. Discover now