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Butters slowly put his oven mitts on, opening up the oven and sliding off the tray off freshly baked chocolate-chip cookies. The smell burst out from the oven, smelling heavenly.

"Man, that... that smells so good," Tweek spoke up, admiring the cookies which looked that they had been baked to perfection.

"Yeah! You're right, Tweek," Butters replied back and then glanced his eye on Tolkien. He darted his eyes back towards Tweek, placing the tray on the counter.

"You know what's been goin' on with Tolkien? He seems pretty down in the dumps," Butters asked, his face forming a frown.

Tweek jolted up once he heard the question. His eyes were racing back and forth, looking from Tolkien to Butters. He didn't know whether to tell the truth or not, not wanting to cause any potential issues.

"U-Ahhh... D-Don't tell anyone this. Please?" Tweek whispered, approaching close to Butters and his fingers fiddling.

"Cross my heart," Butters replied as he outlined his chest where his heart lay with his two fingers. He smiled warmly as a cherry on top.

"I-It's Clyde, man... Craig told me Clyde
bl-blocked him an'... I think it has something to do with how they acted it at the party..." he whispered back, biting his lip as he took a few steps back.

"But- they were so lovey-dovey. It was so sweet seeing them together. They looked so happy, awwwh," Butters replied, slightly confused of the situation. "But, I guess it does make sense why he wanted me to be your guys's cooking buddy."

"I-I think he's avoiding Tolkien... Gah-! That would be so much pressure if I had to go through something like that..!" Tweek muttered, looking back at Tolkien, more worry growing into him.

"Well, Tolkien looks all gloomy... Uuhhh, well I'm gonna give him a cookie." Butters slid off the oven mitts, placing them down and grabbing a few cookies with a tissue. He walked over to Tolkien, sitting beside him and smiling.

"You want a cookie, Tolkien? Would've been nice if you helped out more, but that's fine," Butters said, putting his arm out forward with a couple of cookies in his hand.

"Uh- Don't really have an appetite. Sorry," he muttered back, looking down at the freshly baked goods. The smell lingered around his nose, trying to tempt him, but he ignored it.

Butters took one from his hand and chipped part of it off with his teeth, munching into the soft cookie. "This is really good though! Especially when you bite into the ooey-gooey chocolate chip. C'mon, Tolkiennnn," Butters added, practically begging.

"Really Butters... I'm not in the mood."

"Ouh... If you say so," Butters replied, having a hint of disappointment in his voice as he finished off the cookie in his hand.

Butters sat himself up and walked over back to Tweek, feeling a bit nervous. "He really is... not himself," he muttered, glancing at Tolkien.

"Mmmh, I'm gonna try talk to Cl-yde," Tweek replied back, taking a deep breath as he shakily walked himself over to Clyde.

Clyde noticed Tweek approach him, turning his body to face him. He had a big, glass bowl in his hand, along with a tea towel he was wiping off the dishes with. His hand swivelled around the bowl as he met a gaze with Tweek.

"Uh-! Hi... hi, Clyde-" Tweek sputtered, trying to calm himself down and not get too worked up - especially so early in the day.

"H-Hi, Tw-" Clyde stopped his words suddenly, his voice all croaky. He quickly cleared his throat, gulping as he looked back at Tweek again. "Hi, Tweek," he replied in a more smoother tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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