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Monday: 4 days to go

It was a Monday. School hasn't officially started yet. Everyone was out in the hallways, chatting amongst their friend groups. Everyone in 11th grade was blabbering on and on about their costumes and who they'll bring.

"I'm bringing Stan! He said he's going to bring Kyle though, but I think Kenny will keep him company. I don't really mind," Wendy said as she was talking to the other girls. "You guys look so cute together!" Nicole added as she clapped her hands together, the rest of the girls nodding to her statement.

"And then she was like 'nuh uh'," Craig said to his group of friends, except Clyde, whom was late. His friends just laughed at Craig's story.

"What class do you guys have first? I have Art," asked Craig. He looked over Tweek, then to Tolkien, wanting to get a response from someone. "Mmmngh. I'm.. d-doing foods.. ngh.." Tweek mumbled his words and fiddled with his fingers, biting his lips. Tolkien had put his hand up and smiled. "Hey, me too, Tweeksters," he said as he high-fived him. "I-I hnnneugh.... hnnneenn... h-have math." Jimmy stuttered but managed to let out a sentence. The bell had rung and all the boys headed off to their homerooms.

Tolkien, Craig and Jimmy were in the same homeroom and just talked amongst themselves. Other familiar faces were Kenny, Wendy, Bebe, Red, Stan, Cartman, Kevin and Brimmy. The others were just in different homerooms, which kind of upset Tolkien. He wanted his whole gang to be here, especially Clyde, his best friend. But he was late anyway, so he wouldn't be here nonetheless.

After homeroom had ended, all of the boys and girls had headed off to their designated classes, saying goodbye to their friends whom were in different classes. The boys had also said their goodbyes to each other, Tolkien going with Tweek, Jimmy by himself, and Craig off by himself as well.

Tolkien and Tweek were sitting together. Clyde was also in their class but he was late, as usual. The teacher had started the lesson and told everyone to grab out bowls and some ingredients. They were going to make an apple pie. Tweek had experience with cooking from helping his parents with Tweek Bros. Coffee and had had everything set out neatly.

Tolkien was mixing the batter until the door suddenly slammed open, and there was a messy, disheveled looking Clyde. He was huffing and puffing. He was drenched. It was raining and it looked like he had to ran to school. Clyde handed in his late note and put on his apron as he headed over to where Tweek and Tolkien were. "Huuuurfph.. Hey... Agh.. Guys," Clyde said as he put both of his hands onto his knees, huffing and puffing. "Dude, this is the fourth time in a row. You good?" Tolkien asked, concerned. Clyde just let out a thumbs up and straightened himself up.

"Now, how can I help?" he asked. Tolkien just shrugged at the question since Tweek and him had already done most of the work. All he could do was put it in the oven, which was what he did. While they were waiting for the batter to cook into a pie, the three just stood near the counter and started talking.

As they were talking, Tweek felt a light tap on his shoulder. He flinched and quickly grabbed the closest knife near him. "G-Get away!! I may look weak bu-brrugjghf but I can fight!!" he said as he pointed the knife at... Kyle. "Woah, Tweek. Calm down," he sighed, putting his hands up defensively.

Tweek carefully put the knife down and sighed. "Oh.. It's just you, Kyle. Y-yrrough freaked me out!" He said as he was rubbing his sleeves. Kyle just scratched his neck and smiled nervously. "Sorry about that, but can I be with you guys this lesson? Cartman really gets on my nerves..." Tolkien shuddered when he heard Eric's name be said. He really didn't like him, since he was blatantly racist - especially towards him.

"Sure, dude. We don't mind," Tolkien said as he just leaned his elbows onto the counter and the four boys started to chat amongst themselves, making Eric just glance at the Jew boy. The boys were just laughing together and having a nice time.

All on a Halloween party {Tyde // South Park}Where stories live. Discover now