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Both of the boys were at Clyde's house. "Welp.. We're here!" Clyde quickly stashed out a key from his jacket pocket and inserted and clicked the key to open up the door.

"Home, sweet home~!" he sing-songed as Clyde plopped himself onto his couch. Tolkien just took his shoes off, keeping his socks on, and neatly put them aside.

He just stared at the laid-back, relaxed Clyde, just looking all happy at the roof, lying on his couch. He couldn't help but crevice a smile. "Sooooo, uhhh.. What do we do?" he asked Clyde.

Clyde got up from the sofa and looked around, trying to find something to do. "Uhh.. Shit, I didn't really think of that," he groaned. "Eh, it's okay. We'll think of something," Tolkien reassured as he put his hand onto Clyde's shoulder.

Clyde flinched up, gasping suddenly. "You scared me!-" he exclaimed as he turned over to him.

Tolkien's POV

I notice Clyde glaring at me with annoyance, but a glimpse of enjoyment out of him. I reply back with a smile. "Pff, you just get so scared easily, man," I reply back as I roll my eyes playfully. I loved bickering small things like this, his reaction was always funny and humorous to me.

"I- I do not!" he replied back, trying to fight, using his words. I honestly found it adorable. "Oooookayyyyy, if you say so," I reply back in a playful manner. He just squints his eyes at me and cocks his head away from my direction. I let out a chuckle.

"C'mon, Clyde. You can't be mad at me foreverrrrr," I laugh. I take steps closer to him until I'm just a few centimetres away from him. I hear him mumble away incoherent words and I sigh. "Let's just play video games, eh?" I suggest.

And just like how I predicted, he turned his head to face mine with a wide grin onto his face. "Ahah, hell yeah! I'm sooo going to beat you!" he replied back with excitement filling him up. "Hah, you're on! I'm still onto my winning streak with 4 wins," I boast.

I let out a playful grin and he gives back a silent reply by rolling his eyes. I see him plop on back down to the sofa and I follow along. We each grab ahold of our controllers, gripping onto it like it was for dear life.

I watch the screen as Clyde glides through the many games he has onto his controller. "Aghhh, where is it?" "You sure do play a lot of games," I say, still looking at Clyde's TV, going through many, many games.

"Finally!" He clicked onto the video game, coming up with the loading screen. "I wonder if it still saved my high score," I tease as I look over at Clyde. "Ugh, whatever," he replied in his sour attitude. It was so amusing.


"Hah! I win again!" I exclaim. I look over to Clyde who looks defeated. "Ughhhh, you're probably hacking," he replied. "Oh? I think we have a sore loser here," I chuckle. I see Clyde just cross his arms, not taking my words very nicely.

I look over at the clock hanging on the wall, noticing the time was rather late. "Oh, shit- I better go," I say as I get up. "Oh- Okay," Clyde replied, fiddling with his fingers and closing off the console.

"See you at the party, yeah?" I ask. I turn my head to him as I walk my way over to the door. He just replies back with a small nod. "Yeah. See you."

I put my shoes on and give him one last wave of goodbyes before I shut the door. I was officially outside.
And it was raining. Great.

I sigh to myself, deciding that I should just deal with the rainfall. I put my hands over my head, my head hunched more down, trying to prevent rain from falling over on to my hair and face.

I could feel my clothes becoming soggy and it made me squirm. My once dry clothes, now wet against my skin. I hated soggy clothes so fucking much.

I try speed-walk until I hear someone call out my name. "Tokieeee! Hey! Hey, Tokieeee!!" I recognised it immediately.

I turned my head, only to see Clyde running up to me. I could hear his huffing and puffing as he finally caught up to me. I noticed him holding up an umbrella and that he was soaked. "Clyde?! You're going to get all- Nevermind, you already are wet... But still! What're you doing?" I ask.

"Welllll..." He huffed between his breaths, still trying to grasp for the air after catching up with me. "You need an umbrella... right? I don't want you walkin' out here in the cold rain, dumbass," he chuckled as he handed his umbrella to me. "Oh- Ahah, thanks, man. I owe you one."

I see him give a bright smile as grab the umbrella off of him. "Better go. Dad's bound to be home any second and I don't wanna get in trouble," he laughed as he quickly ran off in the rain.

"Uh-! Thank you, again!" I quickly blurt out to him, but he was long gone. I sigh and look down at the ground.

I clutch the umbrella tightly in my hand. I could hear the rain trickling onto the roof of the umbrella. I sigh to myself and finally decide to head home now. I was tired and I guess I should get all the rest I can for tomorrow.

Tomorrow is going to be a big day.

All on a Halloween party {Tyde // South Park}Where stories live. Discover now