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Tolkien was just sitting in his room, looking up at the roof, bored. He had nothing to do. He had done all of his homework, all of his chores, and no one was really talking to him.

He suddenly heard a notification buzz up on his phone. He loomed over to check out who it was going to be. It was from Clyde! Tolkien felt a wave of happiness gush over him. He grinned. He swooped up his phone to check out the notification.


Hey dude! srry I havent been at school today
i was sick lolz. Anyways i asked Bebe to the dance on text and she said YES!!! Man i am so excited  :D
I alsooooooo finally got an outfit idea for the party! it's a secret though ;)


Tolkien felt happy for the boy. He finally asked her out and had an outfit idea! He texted back over to Clyde, who also responded.


Tolkien: That's awesome! can't wait 2 see :)))

haha! heah it's going to be sick!!  :Clyde

Clyde's POV

Man, I felt ecstatic. I finally had a date, and probably the sickest costume ever! I grinned as I gazed at Tolkien's complimentary response. He was such a nice friend, I was so lucky to have a friend like him.

I gave him a heart reaction to his text and closed up my phone. I coughed and coughed all over my elbow. Being sick sucked.

I looked out my window, the pretty, paper-white snow trickled down and the puffy looking clouds was aesthetically pleasing. I really wanted to go outside, but having the flu had to make me isolated back into my room.

I could see some of the boys from school playing around near my area, near the road. It was Stan's group. I eyed whatever they were doing. They always got into troublemaking antics all the time.

It seemed like they were talking amongst themselves, which made me crease a frown onto my face since I couldn't hear them from all the way to my room.

I could go outside, but the weather had to be this cold today. I just covered my window with my thick curtains and just slumped onto my bed, sneezing. I was soooo bored.

I sighed to myself as I just took some more Panadol and water as I drifted off to sleep for the third time today, even though it was 4 p.m.

Wednesday: 2 days to go

No one's POV

It was a new school day. Clyde was at school this time, but with a bright surgical mask that stood out. He hated wearing it. He always felt like he was suffocating with this thing on, but he had to try and bear it for the whole school day.

Clyde was just with Bebe, chatting along. "Haha! You're so funny," when in reality, he wasn't really listening to what she was saying. "I.. Didn't say anything," she replied. Clyde blushed out of embarrassment. "Oh, uh! I know! I was just, uhh.. testing... uhh.. something." He grinned at her, hoping she would take it. "Haha, you're such a jokester, but that's what I like about you." She smiled back.

"Hey, dude." Craig randomly came out of nowhere, making Clyde jolt up unexpectedly. "Craig! Can't you see I'm pulling right now?" Bebe just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, smiling along still.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Do you know where Tweek went? He said he went to the bathroom and I can't find him." Craig put both his his palms onto his hips, gazing at Clyde. "Eurrr.. I think he went to the library," he replied, pointing to his right. "Thanks, crybaby," he teased as he nudged Clyde and jogged off to find Tweek.

"Eurr.. Why am I friends with him?" he muttered to himself. "Ahah, you guys have an interesting friendship. It's almost nice in a way," Bebe spoke. Clyde could feel himself blush more and put a palm up to his cheek. "I guess... A-As I was sayinggggg.. I-"

Clyde was interrupted by the bell. He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Well.. See you soon, Clydeee~!" Bebe cheered as she skipped off to her homeroom.

Clyde coughed and pouted, sad that he didn't have the same homeroom as Bebe and all of his other friends. It was like he was destined to be alone.

He headed on inside, clutching his books against his chest and sat at a desk, all by himself. Another day of this boring hellhole.

He opened up his spare exercise book which he used for random things such as small writing pieces, doodles and taking random notes and just doodled the most random things ever for most of homeroom. He drew his friends all happy and together and he smiled at the drawings. (They were all stickmen with hair and Jimmy with wobbly lines and crutches.)

With Tolkien, him and Craig were just talking about. Jimmy still wasn't here, which kind of sucked since the two wanted to hear what 'Joke of the Day' Jimmy had planned for them.

Bebe came up to the two boys and waved, all cheery. "Hi, guys!" she said. Tolkien smiled back at her and waved. "Hey Bebe," he replied. He felt a little bittersweet for some reason. He couldn't quite put his finger why though.

"So, do you guys know what Clyde's favorite flowers are?" she asked. "I wanna get him some flowers! Oh, I'm excited," she jittered and smiled widely.

"Mann, how are we-" "It's Dahlias," Tolkien said, interrupting Craig. "I swear you know everything about us, especially Clyde," Craig added, crossing his arms. "What can I say? I have a pretty good memory," he replied, pointing to his head.

"Ahh! Thanks a bunch, Tolkien!" she chirped as she cheered off. "She seems so happy," Craig said. "Yeah.." Tolkien replied, a little gloomy.

Homeroom ended now and everyone just went to their designated classes. Tolkien, Craig and Tweek had English, Clyde and Jimmy having Science.

"Mannn, I hate science. It's all so confusing. Like, what the fuck is energy n' shit? Mannn." Clyde kept on complaining along while Jimmy had to suffer through his countless complaints about Science.

"Y-Yeah.. And it's no-nn-not like you complaining is f-f-fun either.." Jimmy said. Clyde was about to speak up, but he'd thought it'd be better not to. "Humph," was all that came from Clyde.

The two arrived at science.

Clyde's POV

I was just sitting next to Jimmy, looking down at my workbook and then back at the PowerPoint screen. I didn't understand any of this!

It's not like the teacher made it any fun either. She always went too quick going past slides that I had so many unfilled gaps. I was never going to pass Science.

I just drew little doodles around my workbook until I heard a hand slam in front of me.

I jolt up and stare into the teacher's eyes. I look at her.

She's so wrinkly... "Uhhh.. Hi..." I mumble under my breath.

"Pay attention, young man! No wonder you're failing Science," the teacher scoffed. I grumble at her as she slowly walk away from my desk.

"D-Dah-Damn. I w-would have kicked her ass if she did thhhh.. that to me," Jimmy stuttered. I swing my pencil around as I face him. "I wish I could," I reply.

I fucking hate Science.

All on a Halloween party {Tyde // South Park}Where stories live. Discover now