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Sunday: 5 days to go

It was a Sunday. Clyde awoke from the sound of his alarm clock, beeping annoyingly. A groan came from Clyde as he smacked his alarm clock off.

He sloppily got up and stretched his slightly chubby, little arms. He headed over to the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He sighed as he saw the state he was in. A mess.

His hair was all over the place, he had some drool still on his cheek from when he was sleeping, his clothes were all wrinkly. He just sighed at the state he was in.

He just did his usual morning routine, which was take a shower, eat breakfast, brush his teeth and check his latest notifications. He noticed he got a notification from Tolkien and clicked on the notification to check what it said.


Tolkien: Hey Clyde you wanna meet up? I'm literally bored and and theres nothing to do

Hell yea dude 😎 :Clyde

Tolkien: haha, yeah I need help with my halloween deco's My parents left early!!

haha yeah! I'll be On my way! :Clyde

Tolkien: lol it happens

Back to Clyde

Clyde smiled at his messages and looked at the time. It was 10 am. He needed to change his clothes, so he changed back into his normal clothes - a red jacket with a blue collar and dark grey pants. He looked over at his dad on the sofa and smiled. "Dad, I'm goin' over to Tolkien's. Is that okay?" he asked. His dad just responded with a thumbs up and the boy grinned happily.

Clyde skipped off out the door, he couldn't wait for the halloween party! He wondered if he could possibly get hooked up with all the cute girls. One could only dream.

He arrived over at Tolkien's house - or should I say mansion. Clyde was in front of the door. He didn't know why, but he felt hesitant to ring the doorbell. After a few seconds, he finally mustered up the courage to ring the doorbell.

Tolkien opened up the door, seeing a short, brown-haired white boy. He smiled seeing his friend. "C'mon. We gotta go all out!" Tolkien said as he jogged over inside. Clyde quickly scurried along with him.

"Is it just us? Aren't Craig, Tweek, Jimmy going to help?" Clyde asked. Tolkien turned over to him and shrugged. "Jimmy has this comedy talent show thing today, Tweek as to help out his parents and Craig said he was gonna binge-watch the new season of Red Racer." Tolkien rolled his eyes when he mentioned Craig's part, Clyde just chuckling a little. "Well, you got me!" Clyde said proudly as he pointed at himself. Tolkien blushed a little as he saw him do that.

"Yeah. Anyway, what do you wanna help with? We got the backyard to cover with classic plastic spiders and spiderwebs.. Ermmm..." Tolkien was thinking what else Clyde could do.

"I can help with food! I got the perfect decision! It's tac-!" Tolkien interrupted him, putting his finger onto Clyde's lips. "We're not going to be bringing in tacos for a halloween party." Clyde just looked at him sadly. "Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee?" He begged with his hands together. Tolkien sighed. "Only a few, but that's it." When Clyde heard that, he jumped up in glee. 

"You should help with the backyard. I'll do the living room. Put spiders, skeletons, pumpkins.. Y'know, that cliché halloween shit," Tolkien said as he gave Clyde a box of halloween decorations.

Clyde tried to pick up the box but it was too heavy for him. He grunted as he tried to lift up the heavy box of decorations. It wasn't even that heavy, he was just weak. Tolkien rolled his eyes playfully and picked up the box like it was as light as a feather. Clyde's jaw dropped as he saw his tall friend pick up the brown, dusty box. "How?! That shit is heavier than... than... than uhhhh...."
"C'mon, I'll get this box to the backyard for you so you can start," Tolkien interrupted as he went over to the backyard with Clyde, carrying the box.

When they went out in the backyard, they were flashed by the bright sun. Tolkien set the box down and put his palms onto his hips, looking over at Clyde. Clyde just gave Tolkien a smile and a thumbs up, showing he was going to be A-OK.

"Know what you're going to be for halloween?" Tolkien asked Clyde as he was watching him think. Clyde just responded with a shrug. "No.. Not really," said Clyde.

"You'll think of something eventually," Tolkien said, patting his friend's back. "Now, I'm going to start with the decorations. I'll check back with you in 15 minutes," Tolkien added as he left off to do some decorating.


It has been 15 minutes. Tolkien wiped sweat off his forehead and admired his work. Decorations all over the room, perfectly and neatly decorated. He was proud of himself and wondered how Clyde was doing.

He went over to the backyard and looked over at Clyde. Clyde barely did anything. There were plastic spiders thrown around randomly and Clyde was entangled in the cobwebs. He was just standing there and when he saw Tolkien, he burst out crying. "Tolkiennnnn! I'm stuck! Help meeee!!" Clyde wailed and Tolkien just shook his head, slightly chuckling.

"Clyde, you got to stop getting yourself in these messes," Tolkien sighed as he walked over to Clyde, carefully trying to untangle the matted, knotted cobwebs.

Clyde was finally untangled after a few minutes. Tolkien wiped off Clyde's remaining tears and smiled gently at him. Clyde sighed of relief and smiled at his best friend. "Thanks dude," He said as he nudged him lightly. Tolkien responded with a slight smile and looked over at the box, still full of a variety of decorations.

"I think I'll do the cobwebs, while you do the rest," he added as he easily put the cobwebs up. Clyde peered over at the decorations and picked up a big plastic, hollow pumpkin. He placed it neatly and looked at the rest of the following decorations.
"This is going to take foreverrrrr.." Clyde groaned and Tolkien just sighed.

"No, it won't. I did my part in 15 minutes, and the living room is pretty big. Now, c'mon." Tolkien nudged him and helped him by putting up cobwebs on the rooftop.


The boys had finished decorating most of the house, but they were pretty worn out. They decided that a break would be best and they would continue on a different day. Tolkien was just in his room, lying on his bed next to Clyde. He was tired from all that decorating. He did most of the work and Clyde helped a bit less.

"Hey Tokie.. What're you going as for the party? I don't remember you mentioning your costume." Tolkien's eyes widened a little, not expecting his new(?) nickname. He quickly brushed that thought off and looked over at Clyde, who was next to him. "I'm going as a gameshow host. I'll be in charge of the party n' the games. Y'know?" he said, responding to his question. Clyde nodded slowly.

Both of the boys stayed quiet again and just looked at the roof, thinking to themselves. Clyde was thinking about the hottest new babes he saw on the playboy magazine whilst Tolkien was thinking about possible ideas for what Clyde could be for the party.

"Got anyone you're bringin' to the halloween party? Any girl?" Tolkien asked as he looked over at Clyde who was cut off by his thoughts. He was just fiddling with his fingers as he answered. "Yeah, no. I'm not really bringin' anyone. I might try ask Bebe out thoughhhhh~" He squealed and had a look of excitement on his face. Tolkien just smiled happily over at him. "Go for it, dude," he added as he nudged his pal.

Tolkien got up from his bed and looked at the time. He peered over at Clyde, hearing his stomach rumble from hunger. "You wanna eat lunch here?" he asked. Clyde sat up and nodded enthusiastically. He was starrrrvingggggg. Tolkien chucked at the excitement his friend had and walked over towards his door. "C'mon, I'll make you something," he said as he swifly went out, a hungry Clyde following along with him.

All on a Halloween party {Tyde // South Park}Where stories live. Discover now