3. here again

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Minho felt a cool breeze on his face, along with the sounds of bugs and birds.

He slowly opened his eyes again, just to find a black sky full of stars and a big shiny moon. Minho stared at the moon for a few seconds, like he had never seen it before. Just like the last time, he couldn't feel the pain in his body anymore, nor that damn headache. He felt at peace, once again.

He straightened his back, his fingers still caressing the grass. He was dressed in that same shirt and pants he was wearing the last time, and he still had that flower crown on his head. He looked around, just to find a black creature that looked like a fox sleeping on his side.

As soon as Minho saw it, a smile appeared on his lips. He put a hand on its head and started petting it like you do with a cat. It then opened its shiny eyes, looking at Minho and waving his tail.

“Hey there, buddy” Minho said with a smile, truly happy to see that creature.

He looked around, and he saw once again that same hill and tree. Squeezing his eyes, he could see under the tree the figure of a girl dressed in white. She was making a flower crown, just like the last time.

As soon as Minho saw her, he got up from the ground and made his way toward the hill, the creature on his side. A few minutes later, he found himself once again in front of her. He noticed the second creature as well, still on the side of the girl, watching her every move.

She was so focused on her flower crown that she didn't notice Minho straight away. But soon, her eyes looked up, and met Minho's sweet smile. Y/n blinked a few times before she returned his smile.

“You're back!” she said with that cheerful voice of hers.

Minho smiled “Looks like it” he replied.

She put the still unfinished flower crown down, tilting her head.

“Honestly, I thought I would have never see you again” she said.

Minho sat down in front of her "why?"

She scrolled her shoulders, looking down "I've been alone in this place for so long... I've never thought someone else could come". Then she looked at him again “Why did you come back?”

He thought about that question for a few seconds “I like this place, it seems peaceful. When I come here I don’t even remember all the problems my life has”.

Y/n chuckled “Yeah, I think that’s quite the point”.

Minho titled his head, not sure what she meant by that, but he decided not to think about it that much.

“So, what do you usually do here all by yourself?” He asked.

She thought about it for a second “Nothing, actually. I make flower crowns, take some walks, count the stars, you know, I just chill. Might sound boring, but it’s still better than what's out there”.

He stayed silent, elaborating the words of the girl “So you do remember some, you know, bad things from out there".

Y/n looked at him, she seemed quite surprised, but then she just smiled. “Not at all! I only remember the good ones” then she took the flower crown back in her hands “For example, I love origami, every time I have a piece of paper I make one. I also love music, especially the old rock from the early 80s or 70s. And oh, I really like moving around with my bike, it’s a little old, but it still works”.

Y/n brought the flower crown up, right in front of her eyes to look better at her creation. Now, only a few flowers were missing before finishing her next piece. Then, she lowered it as she looked at Minho.

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