15. as red as blood

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The only thing Y/n could feel was coldness. She couldn't feel anything else, only this sense of distant cold echoing in the middle of the night. And Minho understood her, after all, her sister had been taken away just a few hours before. 

After staring at that man dragging Jia away with her powerless eyes, she simply stood on the floor for about two hours, head empty, only a strong feeling of despair. And after that, she took a shower, she changed into her white nightgown, which could have easily been worn by an old woman as well, and she sat down on the kitchen table, with a glass of water between her hands.

It was now 2:00 a.m., and she was still there, frozen in her spot, with the water still untouched. She could just stare at the empty hair, and Minho, who was looking at her from the chair opposite to hers, wondered what she could have been thinking about. He wondered how much stronger her despair would have grown, and how terrible the voices in her head must have sounded. Maybe that was the moment she thought about ending it all.

And as Y/n stayed frozen in the coldness of that night, the front door opened once again.

Her mother had finally come back. The smell of alcohol on her clothes was even worse now, and just with one look, Minho could tell how wasted she was. She closed the door behind her back, and with her eyes locked on the ground, she entered the kitchen. Only after a few minutes, she finally noticed Y/n sitting on the table. The girl didn't say anything, she didn't greet her, she didn't scream, she didn't look like she had even noticed her mother at all, but the woman sure did.

She came closer to the girl, staggering. "Hey, why are you here?" She asked in a cold tone, putting a hand on Y/n's shoulder "Where's the other one?" she kept asking, looking around.

Y/n stayed silent for some long seconds, still staring at the kitchen table. 

"..they took her away..." she said in a whisper.

The woman scoffed "What? I can't hear you. Gosh, you're always screaming at me and now that I'm asking something you whisper-"

"They took her away!" She screamed, so loud that all her neighbors must have been awake by now.

The woman simply blinked before tilting her head. "Oh? They did?"

She then went to the fridge, took another bottle of soju, and drank it.

"This is all your fault..." Y/n whispered.

Her mother took the bottle away from her lips for a second "oh, please, save it. I don't need your chit-chat, right now".

"Don't you feel guilty? You took everything away from me, you let a random man take your own daughter away from me, your daughter who is only ten years old!"

The woman chuckled "Why should I feel guilty? You did this to yourself, I didn't do anything-"

"Exactly! You didn't. Do. Anything!" Y/n screams, getting up from her seat "You are the worst mother ever! You let your first daughter take care of you for years while you abused her, and now your second daughter is gone!"

A small tear dropped on Y/n's cheek, her face was miserable, in contrast to her mother's unexpressive one. 

"But all of this is coming to an end. Starting from tomorrow, you will never see me again".

The woman's eyes suddenly became dark, as she took a step closer to Y/n.

"Hey, hey, what are you talking about? You want to leave this house? You don't have anywhere to go, where will you sleep?"

"Under a bridge, if that will be necessary. I'll do anything to prevent me from staying with you any longer" she said, her eyes as dark as her mother's.

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