epilogue. each other safe place

108 13 9

Three years later


Cherry blossoms' petals were floating around in the air, that evening, shining under the sunset. It was late spring, and Minho was making his way through Seoul's streets, earphones on whit his hat covering his face. He looked at how beautiful the city looked that day, colored in pink and orange, making it seem like a lucid dream.

Once he arrived at his final destination, he took off his earphones, glad that no one had recognized him during his walk. He stepped into the hospital, he was there for one of his annual routine checks, he knew that it was vital for him, who worked with his body so much, to always be careful about his health. 

Yet, he wasn't feeling unwell, not at all. Actually he was feeling better than he had ever been, both fiscally and mentally. He still remembers the situation he was in only three years earlier: he felt hopeless, and it was hard for him to even get up from his bed in the morning, but he managed to change everything wrong in his life. He started going to therapy, he started to care less about what others thought about him, and he slowed down with his job too.

He was still an idol, of course, but it wasn't a burden to him anymore, he had found again the passion he had when he first started. And the best thing about it was that he managed to do that all by himself, of course his family and friends were still on his side, but he did all the big work by himself. He saved himself.

And he still didn't know when everything changed, it was like one day he woke up and he decided that he had to change for the better, and he was glad he did, we're the only ones able to change our life. But still, he felt like there was something that was missing. He felt there was a void that needed to be filled, but he didn't know why, and he didn’t how to fix it. It was just like, even after everything had got better, he was always looking for something, or someone. 

Minho went straight to the reception, where a woman was tapping on her computer.

"Hello, I'm here for a routine check. My name is Lee Minho" he said in a kind voice.

The woman smiled "Of course, let me check your file first. Can you wait for a few minutes?"

"Of course, thank you" he smiled back.

He then stepped aside, waiting for the woman to tell him where to go, when suddenly a high pitched voice called him out.

"Hi, are you Lee Know?"

The boy looked at the source of that voice, and once he turned around, he saw a young girl with long hair looking at him, her eyes were sparkling. She looked like a middle school girl, and somewhat he felt like he had already seen her before.

"Hi. Yes, I am" he said with a smile.

"Ah! Sorry to bother you, it's just that I'm a huge fan of your group" she said with her blushing face "Can I get an autograph, please?"

"Of course you can" He said, taking the piece of paper and the pen she was holding.

He was relieved to see how polite that little girl was, fans aren't always that respectful. 

"What's your name?" he asked as he signed her notebook.

"Jia" she answered shily.

✔︎𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 || 𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now