12. live alone

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Y/n was alone in what looked like an empty classroom, Minho assumed they were once again inside her university. She was listening to some music, but she looked like she was waiting for something, as she kept going back and forward, sending quick looks to the door.

Some of the red marks her mother left on her body were still there, even though she clearly tried to hide those with some cheap foundation. As Y/n and Minho kept waiting, someone finally appeared.

The moment Y/n heard the door being closed, she looked up, taking off her earphones. Jieun walked up to her, with the cheerful smile Minho had always seen herself in. The girl came closer to Y/n, who for the first time, couldn't respond to the smile.

"Hi doll, why did you ask me to meet here? Do you have to tell me something?" The girl asked in a flirty voice, coming closer and closer to her face.

Y/n hesitated, but then she nodded "Actually, yes. I thought of the way I could have told you, since it's a really sensitive topic. But then I figured it would have been easier if I just let it out with no filter" she said.

Y/n took a deep breath, while Jieun stared at her with the most excited face. She probably expected something different from what she heard.

"I'm going to drop off uni".

Silence fell in the room, and Jieun's smile dropped. Minho could easily tell how shocked she was after that sentence.

"Y-you... what?! Are you trying to joke around, Y/n? You could never say something like this!"

Y/n looked sad, as if the moment she heard her own words being said out loud, she realized what those meant.

"The social worker came to my house, last week. He said that if the money situation doesn't get better in my family, they're going to take Jia away from me, and they will put her in a new family house. I tried to find a way, any way, to prevent that from happening, but then I realized that the only way was to get a full time job. And to do that, I will have to work all day, I won't have any time for uni anymore".

As Y/n explained, Jieun's face became paler and paler, but Minho felt her, he was shocked as well.

"You can't do that! Y/n, I know how badly you want to become a doctor, this has been your only dream since you were a kid! And besides, this is our last year before we graduate, you can't give up  like this!"

"I know that already!" Y/n screamed, losing all her temper and letting all her emotions out "but that's the only way, I can't let them take Jia away from me, she's the most precious thing I have!"

"That's not the only way, and you know that!"

"And what's the other way?!"

"Accept the fucking money from me!"

Y/n looked at her friend, who was now as angry as her "You know I will never do that".

"Why not?! Can you just put your pride aside for a second and accept my help!? You can't live your life alone, with no one's help, that's not how it works!"

"Why do you want to give me your money so bad, anyway!?"

"Because I care about you, asshole! I can't think of stepping into uni without you on my side, that's just not even an option".

Y/n sighed, cooling down a little "That's not true, you will find another best friend in no time. You will easily replace me".

"That's not true!"

"Why not?"


Jieun bit her lips, looking at Y/n straight into her eyes, thinking of the right way to put her thoughts into words. But then, she decided to stop talking, and she simply stepped closer to her friend, moving her long, bare legs that looked so elegant in that expensive dress.

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