10. red cheeks

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Finally, the darkness surrounding Minho disappeared, slowly, just like a black cloud. He tried to open his eyes again, feeling his heart still beating like crazy, and once he did, he noticed that he wasn't in Y/n's house anymore. He was now sitting at a table in a big and fancy library, where thousands of books were surrounding him. It looked like a university library, and once he noticed the many young students there, he realized that it was.

He kept looking around for a bunch of seconds before noticing that sitting in front of him on the other side of the table, two girls were studying in silence. He recognized them immediately: they were Y/n and Jieun. The girls were deep into their textbooks, immersed in the silence of the library.

Suddenly Jieun, who kept sending Y/n quick looks from time to time, spoke "Y/n, can you help me? I don't understand this thing about the linfatic system" the girl asked.

Y/n stopped reading her textbook, giving all her attention to her friend "Sure, it's actually easier than you think".

Then Y/n took about ten minutes explaining something that Minho found too difficult to understand, but even so, he couldn't help but be amazed by how easily she was explaining that complicated matter. She looked so confident while doing so, he did not doubt that she really was a smart student.

After the little lesson, Jieun let out a sigh "Wow, I get it now, you really are good Y/n, no wonder you're the best student in our course".

Y/n blushed slightly "That's not true, and besides, it wouldn't be that hard for you if you just paid attention to the professor" she said, joking.

The other girl chuckled "You're right, you're right. But I swear it's better when you explain things to me" then she fell silent for a moment "Y/n, what about we go to the coffee shop and then the karaoke, like you promised me last week? It can be just you and me, you know..." she almost whispered the last part.

Y/n bit her lips "I'm sorry, Jieun, but I have to go to work".

Jieun nodded "Yes, I know you have to earn money for your sister and your mom, but I really think you're straining yourself too much, Y/n!" She said, worried "You know that if you need money, I can give some to you, it won't be a problem for me".

As Minho heard those words, he looked a little closer at the two girls: as Y/n was wearing some cheap yet well stiled clothes, her friend was wearing an expensive Gucci dress, with some diamond jewelry and a Versace bag. Even her phone was the newest model, while Y/n's was old and damaged. She must have really been a rich girl.

"No, you know I won't accept money from you, and besides, I'm doing fine".

"No you're not! I know you're exhausted, you're not going to fool me, Y/n" she said, and then she grabbed her friend's hand in hers "You know I'm worried about you..."

Y/n looked at her friend in the eyes, and Minho noticed how red her face had become "I-I know... but I don't want money from anyone, especially not from you. I don't want you to think that we're friends just because I want your money".

"You know I'd never think something like that. Come on, Y/n, just have a little break and come with me!"

Y/n nodded no with her head "No, Jieun. And besides, I don't even think your friends like me that much. They're all rich, while I am just a poor girl that dresses in H&M clothes".

"Who cares about them? I like you, that's what matters!" She said, making Y/n even more shy "And as I said, it can be just the two of us..."

As the girl said that, she started slowly caressing Y/n's arm. Now even her ears were as red as a tomato. Minho, who was watching the scene couldn't help but blink in disbelief, but Y/n quickly adjusted her position on the chair, making Jieun let go of her grip.

"Thanks, I know you care about me, but as I said, I have to do this by myself. Actually, I really should go to work" she said getting up from her seat "See you tomorrow, yes?"

Jieun looked at her a little disappointed, but then she smiled again and nodded "Alright, I'm not gonna force you any further. Good luck with your shift".

Y/n smiled as well, her cheeks still a little red "Thank you, see you!"

As she left the library, Minho looked at the other girl, who was looking at her feet with the most disappointed expression "Damn it, Y/n..." she whispered.

Minho looked at her with shock printed on her face "What the fuck did I just witness?"

But then, he realized he had to follow Y/n, wherever she was going, so he quickly got up from his seat and he followed the girl outside the library. Walking fast in the hallway full of students, Y/n was still trying to recover from her blushing face. She put her two hands around her cheeks, feeling how hot they were.

"What is that girl trying to do..?" she whispered to herself.

The moment Y/n arrived at the small shop, a few clients were already inside, looking at the vinyl exposed on the shelves. She went straight to the counter, meeting the eyes of her boss who was checking some CDs that had just arrived.

"Hi" she said.

"Hi, Y/n, how was uni?"

Y/n chuckled "Exhausting. Do you need help with putting the CDs on the shelves?"

"Oh no, I can do that. You can help the customers, alright?"

Y/n nodded "Oh, and do you remember that today I need to come home a little sooner than usual? Social services are coming to my house later..."

"Don't worry about it, Y/n" he said smiling.

Minho was relieved by seeing how kind that man was, at least Y/n didn't have a crazy ass person as her boss.

Y/n sighed in relief, before a girl who was probably a high school student approached her.

"Hi, uhm... I need to buy a present for a friend. Do you perhaps have some Stray Kids album here?" the girl said.

Minho, listening to the whole conversation, couldn't help but smile at that.

"Stray Kids..? I don't know this artist. We only sell vintage music stuff here" Y/n said in her kind voice.

Minho felt slightly hurt at that sentence "Well, thank you very much, Y/n" he scoffed.

"Mmh, I think it will do. Do you have any Nirvana vinyl?" The girl then asked.

"Of course, follow me!"

After some hours, around 6:00 p.m., when the sun was already setting for the evening, Y/n's boss came closer to her, which was sweeping the shop's ground.

"Didn't you say you had to leave early? You can go now, you know".

Y/n stopped her movements, looking at him with the sweetest eyes "Really? Is it really okay if I go?"

The man chuckled "Y/n, you're the hardest worker I've ever got, do you really think it will be a problem if I dismiss you a little early than usual, just for today?".

Y/n smiled, putting down the broom she was holding "Thank you, really".

With that, Y/n took her bag in her hands and left the shop. She looked at the time displayed on her phone screen, biting her lips.

"Shit, I'm late..." she whispered, then she started running.

Minho ran after her, and in a few minutes, they arrived in front of her apartment door. She quickly tried to look for her keys in her bag, Minho could see some drop of sweat run down her face.

"Where the fuck are them!?"

Finally, once she found them, she tried to open the door, but before she could even turn the key on the side, the door opened itself.

Y/n looked up, just to meet eyes with a tall, big, mid aged man. He was dressed in a suit, and he was looking at her with the most serious look.

"Hello, miss Y/l/n. We were waiting for you" he said opening the door a little more, enough for both Y/n and Minho to see Jia sitting down on one of the kitchen chairs, with a nervous look on her face.

Y/n, who was even more nervous than her sister, sighed in discomfort, before entering the house and closing the door behind her back.

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