16. we must carry on

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The only thing Minho could see was pure darkness. He had no idea where he was, he had no idea if he was still Y/n's memory. There was absolutely nothing around him, not even a sound.

Minho kept looking around, his breath was short and his heart was still beating from the moment before. But witnessing that peace, in that absolute void of nothing was way too weird for him. After all, he had just watched Y/n killing her own mother, and the sound of her screams still echoed in his head.

Minho started walking, he didn't know where he was going, but for sure he couldn't just stand there. But in that darkness, there was absolutely nothing. Minho felt hopeless, he had finally found Y/n, she was in front of him only a minute before, and now she was gone again. What the creature said was true, someone or something was preventing him from finding her, and Minho had no idea if he would have been able to beat whatever was separating the two. How much longer would that nightmare have lasted?


A weak voice called his name. Minho flinched in his spot, not expecting to find someone else in there. He looked around, but just when he turned on his back he saw the shaking figure in front of him.

The girl was overly pale, she was wearing that long white dress once again, still covered by blood. She had bruises on her face, her hair was a mess, and she was looking at him with the most emotionless expression ever. She looked like she wasn't happy to see him there.

When Minho realized who was the person a few meters away from him, his face dropped, and his lips started trembling.

"Y/n!" He screamed, before running towards her.

When he finally reached the girl, he took Y/n in his arms, hugging her tight, maybe because he was scared to lose her again. And this time, he wasn't met by that ice cold feeling, her skin was a little cool, sure, but he was sure that she wasn't just a memory anymore: it was the real Y/n. He kept holding her, his head on her shoulder, but she didn't respond to the hug, she just stood there, with her arms along her hips.

"Y/n! I-is that really you?!" He asked pulling back and putting some strands of hair behind her ears "Oh my god, I can't believe I actually found you!"

But Y/n still didn't answer, she kept looking at the ground.

"...what are doing here?" She whispered.

Minho's smile dropped for a moment, but just for a moment.

"I came here to save you!"

Y/n finally lifted her head, slowly, looking at the boy with her eyes wet.

"You came here to... save me?" She asked, hesitating.

"Of course! Come on, let's get out of here!" He said grabbing Y/n's hands and dragging her away from her spot.

But the girl didn't move. She simply kept standing there, with her eyes locked on the ground.

"Minho, wait" she said, and Minho looked back at her, confused "I-I'm not sure... I'm not sure I want to do this".

Minho's smile dropped for the second time as he felt his heart beating faster and faster.

"What do you mean? Of course, you want! You have to keep living!"

But she simply nodded no "No, I'm not sure... not anymore".

"Oh come on, Y/n, you can't give up like that! There are still a lot of things worth living for, you can't let a moment of weakness take your life away from you!"

By now, a small tear was rolling down her cheek "stop fooling around, Minho. You don't actually know me".

"Yes, I do" he said, leaving the girl confused. "I've traveled through your memories, I've seen everything".

✔︎𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 || 𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐨Where stories live. Discover now