17. wake up

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Minho slowly opened his eyes as the sound of his ringing alarm woke him up. He turned on his right side, slowly grabbing his phone to stop the alarm, staring at the ceiling with his still sleepy eyes.

His body still felt a little tired from all the practice he had done lately, but somewhat, he felt better than usual. His head felt lighter and his anxiety seemed to have gotten better overnight, it was like he wasn't scared to go through that day, something that didn't happen to him for ages. It was just like a big weight in his heart had been removed.

He sat down on his bed, yawning loudly. As he wakes up, Minho is often surrounded by a feeling of despair, making him wish to just sleep all day. But that morning, it was like something inside his head had shifted. He knew there were a lot of things wrong in his life, but he was ready to fight for them to get better.

That sure was a weird way of thinking for him, when did his behavior change like that?

Minho heard a knock coming from his door. He guessed it was one of his roommates, calling for him.

"Come in" he said.

As he said those words, the door opened and Chan's body made its way into the room.

"Hi, Minho. How are you today?" The boy asked, visibly worried.

Minho smiled at his concern, feeling lucky, for the first time, to have a friend like him on his side.

"Actually, I feel good. Thank you, Chan".

The other boy smiled "I'm happy to hear that. Did you sleep well?"

Minho put a hand on his forehead. He felt like there was something he was missing.

"Yeah... I feel like I just had a weird dream. But I can't quite remember what it is..." he said.

Chan tilted his head "It must have not been that important, then".

"Yeah, I guess" Minho said nodding.

"Oh, about yesterday. I and the others covered you about your little "run away". We told our boss that you had a really urgent problem with your family. He said there was no problem, but you will have to talk with him today, okay?"

Minho stared into the empty air "Yeah, okay".

Chan nodded, and as he was about to leave the room, he turned around to look at the boy once again.

"I really don't want to ask you about this... but why did you run away yesterday? Did something bad happen?"

Minho wanted to answer that question. He wanted to tell Chan everything that had happened. But he just... couldn't remember.

The last thing he remembered about the day before was him running away from the cafeteria. But he didn't know where he went, he didn't know what happened next. It was just like his memories had been taken away.

"You know, I... don't really remember" he said.

In Chan's eyes, he sure looked confused, he knew that something was wrong with him, but he didn't want to force that conversation any further, he knew that Minho's situation wasn't the best, right now.

"It's okay, what matters is that you feel better".

"I do, I really do. And I think I'm ready to talk to a therapist. I want to change things in my life".

He said, and he really felt it. He didn't know what had happened to him over just one night, but it was like his way of thinking had changed. He was ready to change his life for the better, fighting for all the things he felt weren't going well. He had to do this for himself.

He would have fought to be happy again.

"I'm so glad to hear you say that" Chan said, with a big smile "But about yesterday, sorry if I bring this up again, Jisung and Felix said that you ran away terrorized after you heard a particular news on the TV. I think they said it was about a girl named Y/n who tried to end her life. Do you perhaps know her?"

Minho looked at Chan. The moment he heard that name, he felt his heart beat faster, he felt warmer as it echoed into his head, just like when you hear the name of someone you really love. Of course he knew that name, of course, it made him feel safe, right? He felt like he had to protect that name, fight for it, run and hug whoever held that name. However, the more he thought about it, the more he felt like memories were being erased from his head.

So, he simply stared at his friend with the most confused expression.

"I'm sorry. I don't know anyone named Y/n"

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