11. 'don't take her away from me'

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Y/n, who was currently sitting in the kitchen's chair, was nervously playing with her hands. No wonder, the man in front of her was making even Minho a little uncomfortable. He looked serious and rather scary while he was checking the files in his hands.

"Why were you late, miss Y/l/s?"

As the man called out for her, she slightly flinched in her spot. Minho had never seen her so scared.

"I... I was at work! You know, today I had uni, and then work..."

"Where's your mother?"

Jia was looking at the two of them with the most scared look, Minho could almost feel her heartbeat from where he was standing.

Y/n's forced smile suddenly dropped "She... she's probably out looking for a job! You know, she's always trying to be hired. But don't worry, we can do without her" she said, knowing damn well that her mother was probably out because she ran out of soju.

"Actually, we can't" He said with the strictest tone "But I'll let it slide, since I'm aware of your situation".

He then put down the files he was still holding in his hands "Do you leave your sister alone often, Y/n?"

The girl gulped "Actually, no, I always make sure she's with my mom when I'm at uni or work. Today it was only a... horrible coincidence..."

"Horrible, really" he said, then he sighed "Y/n let me be straight with you, I viewed your current wage, and this sure isn't enough to take care of a little girl like Jia. She needs care, and attention".

"I allowed her to keep living in this house with you two since you promised me your mother would have found a job, but she still hasn't, and if the money situation in this family doesn't get better, I'm afraid I will have to take her away".

Y/n looked up, meeting the man's eyes, her face was full of terror "What? No... you can't! You can't take her away from me!"

"I promised I wouldn't have, but I can't let Jia live here, with an abusive mother and no one to take care of her".

"I am taking care of her, I'm working day and night to provide her with everything she needs!"

"Yes, but this isn't enough! Your part time job is not enough, and you're still too young..."

"Then take me with her! We can live together in a new family house!"

"You know I can't do that, you're an adult, I can't do anything for you".

Y/n looked down at the table once again, trying to hold her tears while Jia looked at the scene with the most miserable expression.

"Y/n, I'm just trying to help your sister..."

"Oh yeah? But did you ever try to help me?!" She almost screamed "My mother was abusive and jobless even when I wasn't an adult, why didn't you help me then? Why did you open your eyes just now that me and my sister are about to get separated!?"

Y/n took her sister's small hand in hers "please... please, don't take her away from me".

Jia looked at her sister, as a single tear rolled down her cheek. Minho as well, was having a really hard time holding his own tears as he watched that scene.

The man sighed, massaging his temples "look, the only thing I can do is give you two more months. During this time, I want you and your mother to find a way to earn more money for Jia. And I also want your mother to stop drinking so much. If you don't do those things, I won't have any more choice".

Y/n nodded, still holding those tears. She and Jia walked the man to the door, waiting for him to leave.

"Y/n, do you want any advice? Why don't you just leave this house? You can start a new life with your sister elsewhere. I know it will be difficult, but at least your mother will stop wasting all your money".

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