5. stains of blood

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When Minho woke up he felt the soft grass under his fingers, and he instantly knew he was back, after all that feeling on his body was unique. But something felt wrong, he was back, he knew it, but his body was still hurting, his head was still spinning, and he could still remember everything, even the bad, stressful things, that sure was something weird. But if he was really back at his safe place, then why didn't he feel at peace, like always?

Minho opened his eyes, confused by his state, and above his head, he could see a black sky with thousands of stars and a big shiny moon. It was in the right place, he was sure now, but something felt wrong. He got up, now looking around, and when he saw his surroundings, he got even more shocked.

The land that was always full of green plants and colorful flowers was now completely grey. It was almost like Minho had become color blind, but it wasn't just that, he couldn't hear the sounds of the birds anymore, just a terrifying silence that was giving him goosebumps. Not even the creature was there with him anymore.

He couldn't understand what was going on, and his physical and mental conditions were making him even less lucid, but suddenly, one thing came into his mind. Something was missing. He looked up at the hill, instantly spotting the big tree that was as grey and sad as it had ever been. But nothing else was there.

He started panicking, and he quickly ran up to the hill. "Y/n? Y/n?!" He kept screaming, looking around for the girl that was nowhere to be seen.

"Y/n! Where are you!? It's me, Minho!" He was on the top of the hill now, but that spot was empty.

His breath was short and he was sweating heavily. Nothing else mattered right now, only the fact their land seemed to be dead, and Y/n was apparently missing. But suddenly, looking down the hill, at the edge of the river, he saw a white figure that had her back to him. At her side, the second creature was looking at her with a weird and almost scary look on its face.

He didn't think twice before running towards the girl, now a little more relieved by the fact that he had found her.

"Y/n! Thank god you're here, I was worried about you! What the hell happened here? Why does this place look like a horror movie" he said looking around.

But she kept her back on him, not saying a word. It didn't even seem like she had heard him. Now his worry grew even bigger. He gulped, coming a little closer to the girl, slowly.

"Y/n? What's happening, you're scaring me".

He could feel the intense beat of his heart in his ears. He was so scared that something bad had happened to Y/n that he was fighting to hold back his tears. She was fine, right? It couldn't be possible that his mind was hunting him even in his sleep.

Eventually, the silence of the girl finally broke, in the middle of that horrific silence, he could hear some quiet sobs coming from her. Her white dress, along with her overly pale skin, even her flower crown that was now grey, everything about her seemed to match the background a little too much. Her hair was the only thing that held a little bit of color, a little bit of life.

"Minho..." she whispered, her voice was trembling like crazy, and now he realized that she was probably more scared than him.

She slowly turned around. Minho first looked at her face, picking through her hair, the fear on her look was so traumatizing that he almost felt his heart stop. But the worst part was yet to come. As her whole body turned to face him, he almost threw up at the sight of her hands covered by red and bright blood, that was staining part of her dress as well.

Minho was shocked, not just by the sight of that girl covered in red, but also by the smell of death that suddenly hit him. He slowly took a few steps back, looking back at her face. The pain in her eyes was the most miserable scene he had ever seen, tears were running nonstop on her pale cheeks and her lips were trembling like crazy.

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