6. pale skin

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Minho couldn't believe what he just heard. That was her name, that was the name of the girl he met every time he fell asleep. So she was real? He thought she was just part of his dream, something his mind had created, but now her name and her face were on tv. And she had just attempted suicide.

Minho thought he must have gone crazy, maybe it was just the lack of sleep, maybe he was seeing things now. But what if that was real? What if the Y/n he knew was actually in a hospital bed right now? He couldn't just stay there without knowing the truth.

Meanwhile, the two boys behind Minho were looking at him confused, not knowing why he suddenly got up from his seat to look at the news.

"You alright, Minho?" Jisung asked.

Minho suddenly woke up from his thoughts. He turned around, looking at his two friends with a scared expression. Sweat was covering his face, and he could feel his heartbeat in his ears.

He didn't know what he was supposed to do. What do you do when you find out that the girl you've been dreaming of is actually a real person who is currently risking her life? For sure, you don't stay in a cafeteria pretending you didn't hear or see anything.

So, he walked toward the empty chair and he grabbed his bag.

"I-I just remembered that I have a very important thing to do..." he said hoping that the boys wouldn't have grown suspicious "I'll be back soon. You guys cover me, okay?"

And before the two boys could even answer, Minho was out of the cafeteria, walking at a fast speed. He had heard the reporter say that the girl was currently admitted to the hospital only a few blocks from their workplace, so that was his destination.

Minho was nervous, he was sure that it was just his mind joking around with him. How could a thing like that be even possible? He would have now walked to the hospital, he would have found the girl, and he would have realized that he didn't know her. All those things were just coincidences, he refused to believe anything different. And yet, his pace got faster the more he got closer to the hospital.

Once he finally arrived, his breath was short and his muscles were hurting like crazy, but he didn't care, he could only think about her. He went straight to the reception of the hospital, where a middle-aged woman was tapping on her computer. He tried to get himself together, fixing his hair and clothes to avoid looking like a freak, then he got closer to her.

"Hello" He said, his breath still short.

The woman's eyes traveled from the computer screen to Minho's face, scanning him from above her big, pink glasses. "Good morning young man, how can I help you?" She asked.

"I... I need to see a girl. Her name is Y/n... Y/l/n. Yeah, Y/n Y/l/n".

As the woman heard that name, her body suddenly stiffened, and was now looking at Minho with suspiciousness in her eyes. "Only family and friends can visit our patients" she coldly answered. 

Minho felt a drop of sweat roll down his neck as he bit his lower lip "B-but I'm her friend! We're...  we're studying medicine together, we're in our last year".

The woman kept looking at him, not satisfied by his answer.

"Look" he said putting his two hands on the counter "I'm not a journalist, okay? And I can stay for only one minute if you want, I only want to see her face. I'm worried about her" he said.

The woman probably saw the despair in Minho's eyes since her expression softened a bit. She probably felt that his words were true. She sighed and quickly tapped on her computer, now looking at the screen and reading a number out loud. 

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