13. the most precious thing

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Y/n was waiting for Jia in front of the little girl's school. Her eyes looked tired, and she was skinnier than usual. As she stood there, surrounded by all the other parents who were waiting for their kids, she closed her eyes from time to time, trying her best not to fall asleep.

She looked exhausted, even tho she wasn't attending uni anymore, she looked even more tired than before, probably because of all the stress. The moment the kids started to step out of the school, Y/n looked up, trying to find her sister in the crowd.

After a few minutes, she found Jia, dressed in her school uniform with her backpack on. Y/n smiled at the little girl, coming closer to her.

"Hi, Jia. How was school?" Y/n asked. Even her voice sounded tired.

Jia smiled back "It was good. How about your day?"

Y/n took her little sister's hand, as the both of them started to walk away.

"It was good! Today a lot of new vinyl arrived, they were all amazing!" She said.

But Jia didn't look happy. She probably had noticed how tired her sister was as well. As Minho had already noticed, that little girl was really smart for her age. She looked down, as silence fell between the two.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. This is all my fault" Jia suddenly said.

As Y/n heard those words, her eyes opened wide and she looked at Jia in shock. She hesitated, not really knowing where to start.

"What are you talking about? What's your fault?"

Jia scrolled her shoulders, still holding onto her big sister's hand.

"That you had to drop off uni. I knew how much you wanted to become a doctor" Jia said in with the saddest voice.

Y/n smiled sweetly "And why would that be your fault? I just felt like quitting".

Jia pouted "Y/n, stop fooling around with me, I'm not stupid. I know you did it because we need money, that's why you're working all day at the music shop".

Y/n smile dropped. Minho, who was walking by their side while carefully studying their expression, let out a pout as well. If he had found himself in that situation right now, he didn't even know how he could have handled it.

But Y/n just sighed "You're right, I dropped because we need money. It wasn't easy for me, but that's the only choice I had".

Jia looked straight into her sister's eyes, while a few stands of long hair covered her face "I knew it..." she said in a whisper "You're sad because of me..."

Y/n suddenly stopped her movements, forcing the little girl to stop as well. She looked at Jia in pure shock, and clearly hurt by those words as well.

"Jia! I don't want you to say something like this ever again! I'm not sad because of you, I'm happy because of you!" She then bent down, and now their two faces were on the same level "It's true that I had to quit, and it's true I was a little unhappy because of that, but I don't regret my choice at all! Jia, becoming a doctor was important to me, but you're more important. No, you're the most precious thing I have! If you're happy, then I'm happy. Got it?"

Jia couldn't look at her in the eyes "No, Y/n. I think you're confusing my happiness with your happiness, and that's not good. That won't lead you anywhere".

Minho shivered at how wise Jia was, but she was absolutely right. Y/n worked all day to make her sister happy, but she forgot to make herself happy, and Minho knew where her actions were taking her. In a hospital bed. And yet, Y/n didn't seem to even notice something so simple, as she simply smiled, caressing Jia's hair.

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