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The sky was draped in a cloak of dark grey, a gloomy shroud that hung heavy and low. The sun had fled, the clouds had come to stay, and in their wake, a chill began to grow. The wind picked up, a mournful howl it made, as if to mourn the loss of light and cheer. The leaves rustled, a sad and somber serenade, a dirge for the day that had disappeared. The world was cast in shades of grey and black, a monochrome landscape, devoid of life. The rain began to fall, a steady, mournful attack, as if to wash away the remnants of strife.

Yet, that didn't stop the crowd of protesters that were currently blocking traffic. At this point Benjamin was so familiar with protestors, that he didn't even bat an eyelash at what they were saying.



Benjamin just passed the group and played them no mind, he was in no way in support of the HLA (Human Liberation Army) and their agenda to take over the continent. He had a vague knowledge of the story of how humans and mutants came to be in the same place, and why mutants are in charge, and he respected that.

Just as Benjamin was about to make it unnoticed through the group, a man holding a picket sign with the words, 'Fuck the king, he's an ass.' written on it. Benjamin couldn't help but laugh to himself at what the sign was saying.

"Why aren't you protesting kid?" The man asked getting all up in Benjamin's face.

Benjamin scrunched up his nose. "I'm not protesting because I don't want to," He stretched his hands in front of him so that he could distance the man away from him. "And back up before your breath makes my eyes water." Benjamin started backing away.

"You're going to regret not taking sides with the HLA!" The man yelled.

Benjamin scoffed. "If your goal is to be intimidating, you should really think of changing that sign of yours, because I don't think you wanting to fuck the king because he's an ass is very scary." Benjamin said causing the man to shoot him daggers before continuing with his protest.

By the time Benjamin made it home, he was soaked from head to toe, his clothes clinging to his skin and his brown hair plastered to his forehead. His shoes squelched with every step he took, and water droplets dripped from his nose and chin. He shivered with cold, his teeth chattering as he rubbed his arms to try and generate some warmth.

"How many times do I have to warn you about walking with your shoes inside?"His mother scolded.

"But mom, it's raining outside, do you want me to stop to take my shoes off in the rain?"

"You're already soaking wet. What difference would it make?" Dorothy challenged.

"I could get sick. Do you seriously not care if I get sick?" Benjamin questioned.

Dorothy sighed. "Benjamin I'm really not in the mood for your tantrum right now. If you want to live in my house, you're gonna have to follow my rules. What is it with you these days? First you bash my opinions and insult the HLA by calling it a terrorist group, then you argue with me about my house rules." She said disappearing into the kitchen.

Benjamin shook his head and sighed. He really did need to get out of his parents' house.


After a few minutes of flipping through channels, Benjamin finally settled on a news channel, and as expected the news was about the most famous people in Solara. The Royal Family.

"That's right George, and it's really important that we know the history of the Whitlock family." The female anchor said.

"Yes, I agree because there is so much misinformation going around these days. It's important to get the facts straight," George replied.

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