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"Your highness, none of them wants to take the blame." He said barging into the room.

Prince Vlad quickly removed his finger from the candle flame and looked up to see who had dared disturbed his peace.

"Darren, what the fuck are you talking about, and how many times do I have to tell you to knock before barging into my fucking room?" Prince Vlad said standing up from where he was seating, and fixing his huge ring that resembled the head of a dragon which sat on his right middle finger.

Darren lowered his head in respect. "Forgive me your highness, but you're the one who instructed me to find out who made the soup earlier." Said Darren.

"Hmm, you're right. So? Did you find out?" Asked the Prince.

"No, your highness, they refused to disclose the information to me." Darren told the Prince.

"They did what?" The prince seathed. "Did you tell them that I was the one who wanted to know?"

"Yes, I did your highness, but they all just remained silent."

"I gave you simple fucking instructions Darren. I sent you, a fucking mutant, in a kitchen with humans to find out who made that fucking soup, and you came back without answers. How am I supposed to rely on you?" The prince said angrily.

Darren got down on one knee, and bowed his head. "Please forgive me your highness. I can prove myself to be reliable if you give me another chance." Darren apologised.

Darren didn't want to be on the bad side of Prince Vlad Whitlock. No one wanted to be on the bad side of Prince Vlad. And Darren had experienced his wrath first hand, and he didn't want that to ever happen again.

Prince Vlad sighed, "Get up and come with me. I'm going to show you how to get information from people." Prince Vlad said walking out of the room, with Darren following behind him.

As the prince stormed his way through the hallways of the castle, staff members scurried to get out of his way. Most feared the Prince even more than the king and queen, because of his impulsive nature.

Soon enough, Prince Vlad was barging into the kitchen on the west wing of the castle with Darren hot on his heels. When the two entered the kitchen, all of the staff stopped what they were doing, and bowed their head to show respect for the prince, but Prince Vlad ignored them. He walked up to one of the workers and grabbed him by the scuff of his shirt, lifting him up in the air effortlessly as if he weighed nothing.

"Who the fuck made the soup earlier today." He said in a deadly tone. "And before you even think of telling me that you don't know, or before you think of lying to me, I will burn your eyes out of your fucking skull with a torch if you don't give me an appropriate answer."

The man was trembling in fear, at this point he would have rather be in a cage full of hungry lions, than be in the grasp of the Prince.

The man pointed with a trembling finger. "I-it was h-her." He said pointing to one of the chefs, causing Prince Vlad to let go of him, and landing heavily on the floor.

Prince Vlad started making his way to the woman, and everyone that was standing in his way parted like the red sea.

He stood in front of the chef and he towered over her, making her feel extremely small.

"You call yourself a fucking chef? You're supposed to be a professional at what you do, so how the fuck was there hair in my soup?"

The woman kept her head bowed, for it wasn't allowed to look royals in their eyes at anytime.

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