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Darren looked at Prince Vlad with suprise written all over his face. The suprise soon morphed into excitement.

"Your soulmate? Congratulations your highness!" Exclaimed the leader of the Obsidian knights.

"Tone it the fuck down, you're going to wake him up." Said the mutant Prince to his bodyguard.

"I'm sorry your highnes-, wait, him? Your soulmate is male?" Questioned Darren.

Prince Vlad nodded without looking at Darren, as his eyes were stuck to his soulmate.

"Yes, he's male. And he's also human." Said the mutant Prince still looking at his soulmate.

"How long have you known? Who else knows about you finding your soulmate?" Asked Darren.

Prince Vlad turned to look at Darren. "If I have to tell you to tone down your voice one more time, I'm going to rip your limbs off of your body."

"I'm sorry your highness, I'm just excited." Said Darren.

"Well you need to keep your excitement to yourself, because no one else knows yet. I just found out about him in this very moment." Said the prince.

"Wow." Darren said. "I can't believe you told me first."

The prince turned to look at him. "I didn't tell you shit. You followed me."

"You're right your highness, but I was only doing my job." Said Darren.

Prince Vlad sighed. "I know."

"Forgive me for asking, your highness, but when will you let your parents know?" Asked Darren.

Prince Vlad knew that his parents would be really happy that he found his soulmate, but he didn't know how they would react to the fact that not only his soulmate was a male, he was also a human. The prince knew that this would be difficult news for him to break to his parents, and he didn't want to do it quite yet.

Besides, he still had at least two weeks before the thirty days window in which soulmates were guranteed to be found was done. So up until the last day, his parents would not know that he has found his soulmate. He had plenty of time to figure out how he will break the news to his parents.

"I will let my parents know whenever I'm ready, but in the meantime you better keep your mouth shut." Said the prince.

Darren smiled. "Yes your highness. And will you let him know that you're his soulmate?" Darren said pointing to the figure on the bed.

Prince Vlad shook his head. The prince knew that he was not the best person to explain to his human soulmate that they are indeed soulmates, and are bound for life. All he would end up doing was scaring away his precious soulmate. He knew that his parents were the best people for such a job.

"What's his name, your highness?" Asked Darren.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out." Said the prince.

After a few moments of silence with Prince Vlad looking fondly at his soulmate, and Darren scanning the surroundings, Darren finally broke the silence.

"Uhh, your highness?" Said Darren.

"What is it?" The prince whispered.

"Why is your soulmate using an old storage room as his bedroom?" Asked Darren.

At the sound of Darren's words, realisation flashed through the mutant prince's eyes. He looked around the room and saw the bare walls, carpet less floor, and dirty hard mattress. He was so distracted by his soulmate that he didn't realise the condition that he was sleeping in.

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