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Prince Vlad barged into the office of General Gaston, almost ripping the door off its hinges. In reaction, the General quickly lifted his head to see who had dared enter his office without his permission, and that was when he was brought face to face with a very angry Prince Vlad Whitlock.

After Darren explained what went down in the kitchen, Prince Vlad tried his very best to keep his composure. He did not want Benjamin to see him angry, and now that he was no longer in the presence of his soulmate, he could finally let loose.

"Your Highness, what can I do for yo-"

"You fucking son of a bitch, how dare you try to hurt Benjamin?" Prince Vlad wasted no time getting straight to the point.

"What are you talking about your highness?" The General tried playing dumb, which did nothing but made the prince even more angry.

"Don't fuck with me Gaston. Darren told me everything that went down...everything. Now I don't know what the fuck your problem is, or what goes through your brain if you even have one, but you crossed the line."

"I am terribly so-"

"You will not speak out of turn." The prince cut him off mid sentence.

Prince Vlad continued. "You are not to give my knights any orders. I do not care if you are ranked higher than they are, they are to only take orders directly from the Royal Family, which consists of the King, the Queen, myself and Benjamin. Do you understand what I'm telling you."

General Gaston gave a hesitant knod in response, which didn't sit well with the prince causing him to take a step closer to the General.

"This is the part where you open your mouth and answer me." Said the prince through gritted teeth.

General Gaston let out a heavy breath, but answered nonetheless. "Yes. Yes, I understand Your Highness"

"Good." The prince replied.

"And I don't know what problem you have with my soulmate, but it ends now. I do not want you anywhere near Benjamin. Trying to harm a member of the Royal Family? And I don't know what half assed excuse you gave my parents, but I don't give a fuck. Do not come near Benjamin ever again." The prince said turning his back to walk away.

Just as he made it in the doorway he spoke once more. "General, if you ever try to hurt Benjamin ever again. I will kill you." He said in a monotonous way only turning to face the General when he said the last four words.

When General Gaston eyes met the prince's, he saw that that the prince eyes were no longer blue but was met with a raging firey orange. Prince Vlad looked so intimidating that he could easily have gods trembling at his feet.

At the sight of the prince's eyes, the element of surprise washed over the face of the General, but as the prince turned his head to walk away, he could have sworn that he saw the surprise on the General's face turn into a smirk.


"Woah, this castle is so big, feels like I've been walking for hours." Said Benjamin to Darren.

Darren laughed. " It's only been five minutes."

"Seriously? Only five?" Benjamin asked with a gasp.

"Yes your highness. And the tour has just began to be honest."

"Oh, you know you don't have to call me that, right? You can just call me by my name." Said Benjamin to Darren.

"You're a prince. It would be disrespectful to not address you by your title. Plus, I don't want to get in trouble with your soulmate. He will have a literal heart attack if he hears me just calling you by your name." Darren said, laughing, causing Benjamin to join him in laughter.

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