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The castle could be see from a distance of up to seventy miles away and it was a sight to behold, with its towering walls and intricate carvings. It stands tall and proud, a monument to the grandeur of the past. Its majesty is undeniable, and one can't help but feel awe-inspired in its presence. The sheer size of the castle is breathtaking, and one can only imagine the stories that lie within its walls. It's truly a magnificent sight to behold.

The closer the bus got to the castle, the more intrigued Benjamin got. Benjamin had not been many places, but he was sure that the Royal Palace was the grandest and most beautiful place in all of the continent of Solara.

Benjamin was currently in a huge bus, more than half way across the continent from where he once upon a time lived. There were other recruited workers on the bus as well, and they all looked rather tired from being on the road for so long.

Benjamin nudged the guy who was sitting next to him. "Look at the size of that castle." He said.

The guy glanced at him."Yeah, it's big." He said dryly before going back to the book he was reading.

Benjamin nudged him again.

"What?" He questioned looking up from his book and at Benjamin.

"I bet the Royal family is loaded, don't you agree?" Benjamin questioned.

"Well obviously, they own the continent." The guy said before going back to his book once more.

Benjamin nudged him once more.

"What is it this time?" The guy asked looking up from his book.

"Don't you think that it's cheap of them to have us ride a bus almost half way across the continent instead of just paying for us to fly?" Benjamin questioned.

"Well maybe they wanted annoying people like you to suffer." The guy said with a bit of annoyance in his voice. "Now I'm going back to reading my book, don't talk to me anymore." He said dipping his head into his book once more.

"Rude," Benjamin said before leaning forward to look at the cover of the book the guy was reading.

"By the way," Benjamin whispered. "I've read this book before. Rafael dies, and Jules ends up marrying Cassy." He said with a smile, leaning back in his seat with his arms crossed causing the guy to shoot daggers at him.

Very soon, the buses were parked outside of the walls of the castle, and General Gaston and the rest of men got out of the slick black cars that were driving ahead of the buses to address the new workers before entering the castle walls.


Prince Vlad sat up abruptly from the position that he was lying on his bed, and clutched his chest. His heart felt like it was being violently tugged on, and his entire body felt weird. The mutant Prince had never felt such a way before in his entire life, so he had no idea what to make of it.

Prince Vlad tried going back to the lying position that he was previously in, but that only made things worst. The more he tried to ignore the pain, the more painful it got.

That was when his mind when back to the conversation that he had with his parents a few days ago.

'"How will I even know who my soulmate is?" Questioned the prince.

"You will know when your soulmate is within a two mile radius." Said the king.

"What? How?"

"Rabashan made it so that when your soulmate is within a two mile radius of you for the first time, you will feel an uncomfortable pull on your soul, and the only way to ease that pain is to be at least within ten feet of her." Said the king.'

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