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"What the fuck is going on outside, and why are all of you standing guard by my door?" Asked an agitated Prince Vlad when he noticed that his personal unit of ten elite bodyguards who goes by the name, 'The obsidian knights,' were standing outside his door in a defensive position.

"We are not sure, your highness. We got orders from her majesty the queen to stand guard by your door because of a commotion going on outside." Said one of the members of the elite group.

"So my mother didn't think it was a good idea to tell you'll exactly what you are protecting me from?" Ask the prince with annoyance lacing his tone.

"I'm sure her majesty had her reasons." Said another member of the princes' bodyguards.

"Of course she does." Said the prince before turning to look at Darren, who was the leader of his bodyguards.

Darren nodded and turned to face another one of the bodyguards. "Ranju, go find out what's going on in the main courtyard, and return here to report to his highnesses."

"Yes sir."

"And make it quick, I don't have all day." Said the prince and returned to his room, slamming the door close before he could get an answer.

But Ranju still replied. "Yes your highness."


"What do you mean you're going to work at the Royal palace?" Asked Dorothy.

"It's pretty basic English, mom. How can you not understand? Do you want me to write it down for you or something?" Said Benjamin to his mother.

"Don't patronize me, you know exactly what I mean!" Dorathy yelled.

"Easy with the shouting dude, you might pop a vein or something." Said Benjamin.

"What's going on in here?" Asked Benjamin's father as soon as he entered the house.

Both Benjamin and his mother turned to face the door to see who had just spoken. When Dorathy realised that it was her husband, she ran to him with tears in her eyes.

"Benjamin is going to work at the Royal palace for these freaks." She muffled in her husband's chest.

"What?" Paul screached. "Benjamin, is that true? This had better be a fucking joke."

"It is true." Benjamin said casually.

"No, I will not fucking allow it. Your future is with the Human Liberation Army, and going to work at the palace will make you a traitor." Said his father.

Benjamin crossed his arms in defiance. "How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not going to be a part of that fucking terrorist group? And stop trying to plan my future for me, I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself."

"You better watch your fucking language with me Benjamin. You have the audacity to use obscene language with me after making your mother cry?" Said Paul.

"Ok, first of all I didn't make her cry, she's doing that on her own and don't act like you don't use the same kind of language when speaking to me. You can't be that hypocrite." Benjamin defended.

"I'm your fucking father and I can speak to you however I like."

"Yeah, a father who hates me."

"That gives you know right to be a traitor. You're not living this fucking house." Said Paul angrily.

"General dickhead has insisted that I go work at the castle, do you seriously think that your word can over rule the word of the general of Solara? You must really be feasting on the drugs that the rest of the terrorist gives to you." Said Benjamin with a scoff.

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