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The mutant prince let out a deep breath. Finally, he was alone with his soulmate.

Although he would never admit it, he was releaved that his parents was OK with his soulmate being a human male. It's not like he would hide Benjamin or anything like that, but it was going to be much easier now that he knows that his parents supports him.

He turned to look at Benjamin who was standing in the middle of the room, still staring around, amazed at the decor. It was going to take a really long time for Benjamin to stop being amazed at this magnificent bedroom.

Prince Vlad looked at his soulmate with what can only be discribed as a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, as he slowly crept up on his soulmate as if he was a lion and Benjamin was his prey.

Pouncing on Benjamin, it didn't take long for the two young men to end up on the floor, in a position where Prince Vlad was once again atop his human soulmate.

"Why is it that you always end up on top of me?" Benjamin whizzed out.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Said the mutant Prince, as he made no effort to get up off of his mate.

"Don't play dumb." Benjamin whizzed out once more. "This is like the tenth time in two days."

"Don't be dramatic, Benji, and why do you sound out of breath?" Said the mutant Prince with that same mischievous smile never leaving his face.

"Get off me. You know how heavy you are." Said Benjamin.

"Are you fat shaming me Benji? That's not nice."

"I thought you said it was muscle." Benjamin whizzed out.

"It is." Said the mutant Prince.

"It most definitely is not." The human argued breathlessly.

"You know, for someone who is out of breath, that's alot of syllables." Said prince Vlad.

"Get off of me Vlad."

"That's no way to speak to royalty. OK, if you agree that what I have is muscle, I'll get off you." Said Prince Vlad.

Before Benjamin could answer, there was a knock on the door.

"Your highness?" Said a voice coming from the other side, causing Prince Vlad to sigh and get up off of Benjamin, pulling his soulmate effortlessly into a standing position. Benjamin could not get over just how strong the Prince of Solara was. Even for a mutant, Prince Vlad seemed to be a bit too strong.

"What do you want Darren?" Said the mutant prince as he was approaching the door, even before opening it.

When Prince Vlad finally opened the door, he saw Darren standing outside in his uniform, with his spere, the weapon used by the Obsidian Knights, in his hand.

Upon seeing the mutant Prince and his soulmate, Darren bowed in respect, then he proceeded to speak.

"Are you ready to go your highness?" Asked Darren.

Prince Vlad looked at Darren, then he turned to look at himself in the mirror. He was still in his pijamers. He then turned back to look at Darren.

"What the fuck do you think?" He said as he started walking into the bathroom.

"Vlad?" Benjamin said, causing the mutant Prince to mumble an unapologetic apology under his breath, which caught Darren by surprise. He had never heard the mutant Prince apologise in his entire life.

Prince Vlad then turned back to look at Darren. "By the way, you're not coming with us, you're staying here to look over Benjamin."

"That's not necessary." Benjamin chimed in.

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