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In the magical continent of Solara, there was quite a buzz going around about Prince Vlad finding his soulmate. Humans were thrilled because it meant that Benjamin, a human, would be the first-ever human with such high authority. They saw it as a symbol of unity and progress.

But amidst the excitement, many mutants were quite upset. They believed that a human wasn't deserving of being the soulmate of such a powerful mutant like Prince Vlad. They felt that it undermined their own status and that a human shouldn't hold the title of Prince.

Emotions ran high as discussions and debates filled the air. Some mutants were angry, feeling that their rightful place in society was being challenged. It sparked a clash of perspectives, with humans celebrating the union while mutants raised their voices in protest.

This was the main topic right now in the entire world, and it has been less than two hours since the mutant Prince had announced his soulmate. There was even more paparazzi and reporters surrounding the castle than usual, anything to get a glimpse of Prince Vlad and his soulmate together.

"Oh my God, I can't believe it. I'm famous!" Benjamin exclaimed. "Vlad! I'm famous!"

Prince Vlad was trying hard not to think about what had went down today in the kitchen. He still needed to have Darren explain to him exactly what had happened, but for now, he needed to forget about all of that for a moment and focus on his soulmate.

"It would appear so." Said the mutant Prince as he sat down next to Benjamin where he was sitting on the bed. "Although I don't quite know how they found out that you were my soulmate. I never gave a name."

"Maybe they somehow figured it out, you know people, they're weird." Said Benjamin before nudging his soulmate and pointing to the television. "They're talking about me again." He said excitedly.

"Yes Jerry, and I totally agree, but I just don't think that it's right for a human to be mated to an A level mutant, because that's like saying this Benjamin guy is equal to the Prince of Solara, and that's definitely not the cas-" Prince Vlad turned off the television and stood up.

He really didn't like what the news was saying about his soulmate, and the thought even crossed his mind to order someone to hunt down these news reporters, because he could see that this was making Benjamin uncomfortable.

But instead, he turned the TV off and stretched his hand out for his soulmate. "Come on, it's time to meet the rest of the obsidian knights."

That caused Benjamin to literally launch himself up off of the bed. "Wait, are you serious?"

Prince Vlad nodded. "Yes, Benji. It's their responsibility to protect you. They can't protect someone that they do not know, now can they?"

"Hmm" Said Benjamin as he tapped his soulmate on the shoulder. "Good point."

"Of course it's a good point, It's a great point considering that I'm the one who made it." Said the prince as he twisted the doorknob for he and his soulmate to exit the room.

Benjamin rolled his eyes."You're so full of yourself."

Prince Vlad gave him an amused look before draping his had over Benjamin's neck and pulling him closer to him. "What can I say? After all, I'm a prince."

Benjamin let out a snort. "No need to remind me your highness."

"Benji?" Prince vlad said in a warning tone.

"Yeah, yeah." Benjamin said with a laugh as he and the prince walked down the hallways of the castle, with Prince Vlads hands draped over his shoulders.

Everyone they passed on their way were either happy, excited, or jealous. And everyone stared at the mutant Prince and his human soulmate.


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