Chapter 17

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            A small blade then strikes him at the heart from behind. I then take out the blade from his chest with his eyes dead of life as blood gushes from the wound. Holding it, i recognize the familiar talisman tied to the edge of the small black blade.
           Májèlé Shaa.....if i start now, e go be like seh i dey abuse my authority~it would seem like im abusing my authority. I then look up to see the werey looking at me with his small floating blades hovering around him. He throws a crooked smile at me with the scarred half of his face nullifying any form of appeal it was supposed to make. Coming towards me, he then says.
          " That one don do shaa~Thats enough shaa........let him die"

      " This is the second time you are doing this Májèlé, Ma jẹ kin change e fun e shaa~Dont let me get mad at you Shaa"
            With a mocking tone, he replies.
    " Ma binu sir~Don't be angry sir , i won't make such a mistake again"

         While i start to pick dirt off my dreadlocks, he says to me.
        " You are supposed to be wearing your Olossi form Baddo,  Afiku Yan Gan mandated this"
             I scoff and then blow a puff at Májèlé saying,
                     " Rest Májèlé"
          Since i ate of the Olossi's taboo, i never liked the form that came with it. The scales, the fangs, the yeye fins....the way Dem be just no make~The way they are isn't cool. The power that comes with it is of course unparalleled but it can very much be utilized in my normal form but it won't be of full potential.
          Well it's not like i need all of my strength most of the time to beat these bums that OYO call warriors. Nahh those Akogun dey vex me pass, u dey claim seh nah u strong pass, you enter battlefield ordinary Májèlé dey beat you~The Akogun vex me the most, you claim to be the strongest but yet in the battlefield, ordinary Májèlé beats you. Make dem thank the Orishas seh i no see dem kill~They should thanks the Orishas that i didn't get to kill them. The thunderer among them was a strong one tho but even he couldn't beat us while we were under the touch of the Black Rain.
          While i clean off the blood of my victim from his machete, i ask Májèlé.
          " What of the Alake?.......Did Oyenike and her platoon manage to catch him?."

             Reverting to his more appealing human form since he was dark skinned rather with blue scaly skin, his bushy hair tied into a ponytail with a bushy beard to match, the eye at the scarred part of his face white, a slight pouch with a hairy big chest to top it and his black&white tie and dyed dansaki with short knickers armed with the small black blades he controls as well as a big knife strapped to his waist.
             He replies me with his white eye twitching.
           " My job was to attack and secure the town.......i can't tell if she had already captured him but quite sure he's headed to Olumo rock and once he enters, she can't possess him. That place is well fortified, quite sure that's where he keeps the Ojubọ àgbàrá of Abeokuta."

            " I wonder why the Olu Awo insisted that i fight this werey for his machete,capturing the Alake and using him to locate the Ojubọ àgbàrá would have been done quicker if the task was given to me. Now we can't draw the Black Rain here even if we take over." i say while looking at the machete.

         " Gwa Gwa La Da....... Well it's a beautiful blade, given how intiiimate  you are with her, she probably told you to fight him so as to take the machete as a gift." Májèlé replies with a smile so sly.

          I take a stern look at the werey but despite how intimidating i begin to portray myself, the sly look on his face doesn't waver for he knows i couldn't do much to him. The position i held as the leader of the Fangs, The Olossi's Vanguard,is more of a name than a title. My command only becomes of value only when in the heat of battle. As for issues before the battle, all decisions go whatever way the Olu Awo ordains. Even her husband, The Eleko Of Eko, King of the Olossi and his Igbimọ don't go against her mandate. Maybe except her that werey prince, her stepson....Afiku Yan Gan, the one likes feeling himself.
          Normally, with all the shady acts this werey has tried, i would have kicked him out of the Fangs but Asake insists that i keep him and tolerate his misbehavior.
          Suddenly a cold feeling takes over me with my Ashe mark glowing as it beckons me to move towards the Alake's palace higher up the mountain i stand.
           I look over at Májèlé with him also showing signs of having similar circumstances as mine. Nodding to each other in acknowledgement of what's happening, we both head up the palace of the Alake for the Olu Awo beckons so.

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