Chapter 21

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                    Reaching his chambers, I knock his door precautiously for he hates when his door is hit aggressively.
                 " Ta ni yen~Who is that"
                     " Adedayo sir" I reply.
                 " Wo Le~Enter." He says with his voice seeming to be gurgled. I then enter to see my uncle bare chested, gobbling on pounded yam the size of a rock with efo laced with inu ero~innards. He indicates that I wait on him to finish eating as I sit down on a wooden high stool in front of him. He then ends his meal as he rinses his hands with a bowl filled with water next to his plates on the table.
                  He shouts that a palace maiden should come and take his plates and shifts his attention to me as he strokes the whitened part of his beard.
              " So how was your treatment? You are feeling better now ehh?"
            " Yes sir, Iya Láaróye did well" I reply him.
          " Hmmmm". He says as he then takes a used chewing stick on his table and uses it to pick out strands of meat stuck to his teeth.
           " I hear you will be leading the army that is going to Abeokuta to claim it back from the Olossi." I then say to him.
           " Yes....The Olossi got past The Akogun before invading Abeokuta and doing that is no easy feat. If we are to respond, we have to hold an advantage and I am THAT ADVANTAGE"
          " Besides I want to know what happened to The Akogun and to see if they are still alive so as to know whether I would unleash Dem Dada and Okiki"
                A violent chirping sound startles me from my left side. I then turn to notice the blue headed wood doves of the Alake entrapped in a cage. Given how frantic they are, I can understand why. I turn back to ask my uncle a question as a palace maiden comes in to take out his plates.
           " Uncle, I understand why you went to reclaim Abeokuta the very first time the Olossi captured it since it's Iya Láaróye's homeland but why didn't you push the Olossi further all the way down to EKO"
                  Taking out the chewing stick in his mouth,he replies.
      " Adedayo, you know of the Ojubọ àgbàrá and it's importance to a state. It anchors the influence of the Orishas' on the dwelling it's built so that even if the city be taken by those with other gods like the Olossi, the Orishas' would still have an effect on the city's fate. And like here in OYO-ILE, all the states that OYO governs has their Ojubọ àgbàrá"

        " But the flaw that comes with it is that it can be destroyed and if destroyed it's purpose ceases,and this is the situation at which the states that stand between EKO and Ilorin lie in. But Ilorin is different for the Olossi can't claim their Ojubọ àgbàrá for it is hidden in the Olumo rock. And no hostile force can manipulate it's interior because of the ancient spells on its walls. The cities before Ilorin tho....their Ojubọ àgbàrá have been destroyed and so fighting there would be outside or the Orishas'influence and our Ashe won't be as strong as it should be. This is why I sent the bulk of our army and The Akogun to keep the Olossi from passing Ilaro at it's borders that is before Ilorin, for The Akogun possess our strongest fighters and that should have  compensate for the absence of the Orishas' influence. But it seems that wasn't enough since the Olossi have managed to invade Abeokuta again."

            " Well, it's not like they are easy foes. Because of their taboo, they wield the form of demons and they don't suffer quick death since they can regenerate if the damage isn't done to their heads or hearts. And they can share their taboo with a person that doesn't wield the Ashe of Olokun which makes their fighters more dangerous and unpredictable since their half blooded can harness their original Ash's powers and the Olossi form."
             " And this is why your coronation is so important Adedayo, for only he that wears the veiled crown can lead our warriors to lands that our Orishas aren't present and conquer them. For that crown, that position carries the essence of the Orishas wherever it's vested."

          Timidly looking at him, I then say.
   " Well since you have said it before that people beckoned you into being the Aláàfin. You should have just heeded and seize-"
          Uncle Ogundele then suddenly smacks me on the head and says to me in a surprisingly mellow but stern tone.
      " Never say those words again! Especially within these walls Adedayo. Its one thing for the Aláàfin to be wicked , cruel or stupid but to be unsure of his place as KING?! That should not be happening OBALOKUN."
         Putting his chewing stick back in his mouth, he says with his words somewhat muffled.
       " Well you are kuku going to the Irúnmölé, it is there you will learn your worth. Your aunty has been disturbing me that the task is too much for you and even I had thought so at first. But now I feel it's the Orishas'doing and their silence is to serve that purpose..... it's the best thing for you. Because for what's coming, OYO definitely needs a king that dares to pave the Land of daemons to it's last corner and come back alive"
               " But what if I don't come back?"
    He looks at me and scoffs as he twists the chewing stick in his mouth. He then says as he removes the stick from his mouth.
  " Ehh ehnn,I called you here so I can give something sef"
          He uses his Ashe to bring forth a three pronged spear tied with tiny gourds, cowries and talismans from a corner in his room. Offering it to me, he then says.
       " Since you don't have your Ashe powers yet, it would be suicidal for you to go there without any special abilities you can use. So this would compensate for my Ashe is connected to it."
          After I take it, he then gets up to put on a black & white striped dansaki on his bead and says with his back facing me.
      " Go and keep the spear, then take Dada with you to The Olu Awo's place. He is waiting for you so as to give you some instructions and fortify you for the journey. He's only one in OYO-ILE that has been to Irúnmölé so it would be helpful that you go to him"
          Thanking him, I then depart from his chambers and head to mine.

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