Chapter 28

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         The Alakija Palm Plantation. As undermining as its success is in the grand scheme of things, seeing it always gives me a certain feeling of satisfaction. Might be false appreciation because of how it gives me a feeling of assurance when my subconscious compares it to the great achievements of my younger brother Jakuta. But what's wrong with appreciating the largest palm plantation in Katunga, something that even the master trader Ademola Adenike can't boast of. And this width was accomplished when I inherited it from my late father. But yet I never get the level of appreciation the Thunderer in our family gets. Even after being the first of the Alakija family to master the art of divination. Even after I became the second most prominent spiritual figure in Katunga. It all doesn't match the awe that comes with being able to world lightning and fight foes at an unending war.
       From the very moment he was given AKUJA~ THUNDERSTONE. I knew I will only be second fiddle to my younger brother Jakuta. Not like I could lay claim to it tho, for only thunderers by custom are allowed to world that large slab of beautiful metal.
           Nothing in this world mattered to me more than swinging that blade. It is the prized possession of my family. Every first born male prior to me used it in the field of battle. But when my turn came, Sango sees it fit to not give me the flame of the skies but instead let my younger brother live my dream. And not just that, he goes ahead to give me the ability to perform divination. An art mocked by people that world Sango’s Ashe. Well…….who am I to question the will of the Oríshas. I am of no such right.
            I guess that's what makes me and Láaróyè so comfortable in these few days that we have spent getting to know each other. We are just secondary characters, all the work and yet still no recognition or handout from the Orishas and the people. He as a member of the Igbimọ with his jurisdiction being OYO's foreign affairs and its traveling lanes with me being the second most prominent spiritual leader in Katunga. Not roles handed to us by talent or family name but hard work. Yet we have to stay second to THEM. That's why we can get disrespected anyhow like how Ogundele disgraced me at that demon’s Ashe ritual.
           But well, being second place has it's benefits for mine came with claiming the palm plantation since the bearer of AKUTA can't have it. Walking through it to my shrine, I relish the self gratification that comes with looking at  various laborers working on it. Amongst them, I spot a fine looking young lady. Hmmmmmmmmmm…..might have to call her in later.
         Nearing my shrine with its ever burning torches in front of the gate less shrine. Middle of the shrine that is demarcated by white powder laid on the ground , rests an altar dedicated to Sango that is laced by red clothing , cowries and black beads with a miniature statue of an axe at its top. A Bata drum hanging from the wooden canopy over the shrine, two elephant skulls in front of the altar, calabashes with flame burning in them at various angles of the shrine and a mat kept at an edge under the canopy for certain activities. Ṣàngo himself, despite having a wife , took pleasure in making love with other women so fornicating here never angered him. It was more of a form of worship.
          Upon entering and about to do my routine appeasement rites, I feel a shock in my body. Suddenly, the shrine begins to quake with sparks of lightning engulfing the altar and its nosurrounding. At first, I ponder on whether the thunder orísha is about to end me but then I hear a familiar incantation being recited in my head. Knowing what it means, I quickly run out of the shrine.
         Just seconds after I leave, the shrine is then struck by heavy lightning from above. And just immediately as it strikes, it ends with dust filling the atmosphere. With my body on the ground due to the impact of the lightning, I stand up to look into my shrine to see who used it as an anchor for their Te Fo~ teleportation spell. Looking in, I see my younger brother standing over a pile of bodies, heavily bruised and battered with blood seeping from wounds all over his body. He looks at me in such a vulnerable manner and says words that I never thought I would hear him mutter to me.
                 “ OLABODE…..HELP ME”

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