Chapter 19

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Use Of Pidgin English ✅

             We push forward into the hall until we near them at the far end with Afiku YanGan sitting on the Alake's seat with Asake in her immaculate beauty, standing by his side as she inspects a long beaded necklace on her hand. Wearing a large blue,yellow&red agbada and trousers to match, Afiku YanGan stares at me ans Májèlé with scorn as he rubs one of the two wooden blue headed wood dove statues that each sit at the sides of the Alake's large wooden stool that held engravings of masks and a drawing of people following a man into a rock.
          " Olu Awo, Omo Oba Wa~Son of the King ........ E ka bo~Welcome"
           Me and Májèlé greet the two as we prostrate before them. Afiku YanGan permits that we get up with a lift of his finger with Asake acknowledging our greeting with a nod.
           " You led the attack on this state Baddo, why am I coming here to meet it half possessed and it's Lord uncaptured?......... The troops that I and Asake came with had to aid Biodun's platoon in taking the town.....and why aren't you in your Olossi form?"
         Before I can reply, Asake speaks in my stead saying,
" I specifically told Baddo to leave securing the state and Alake to subordinates so as to claim that machete and bring his owner to me......ALIVE"

          " Haaaaa...Ma binu Olu Awo~Don't be angry Olu Awo, I was actually the one that killed the man but he was already half way to his death and Baddo was toying with him." Májèlé replies before I think of a response to her statement. Omoo shey nah the dongoyaro I smoke dey dull me like this~Is it the dongoyaro I smoked that is making me dull like this. This mumu don spoil the bait I wan give this woman~This mumu hasn't spoiled the bait I want to give to this woman.

          " But that doesn't still explain their negligence, with the yeye ability that this one can't tell me he couldn't have done all that quickly and went on to career of his other duties as he's our vanguard's leader."
        " This is why I don't support stacking the Fangs with half bloods, there are more capable pure blooded warriors that can handle the job with more seriousness and bloodlust ..........this one is high on dongoyaro and he literally led an invasion moments ago."
            I scoff amusingly at his statement with Asake then giving me a look of caution. She then says to Afiku YanGan.
" I am half blooded Afiku, so is half of your father's Igbimọ and most of his supporters. The army you lead is stacked with them, do not discredit them because lẹ Baddo's faults"

          " Their presence is something we can do without, besides i don't mind adding them to the lower ranks. What I speak against is your obsession with putting them in our most important roles. I do not CONDONE IT". Afiku YanGan says while getting off the Alake's seat to face Asake.

            " You do not CONDONE what Afiku? Do you forget whose doctrines k voice anytime I instruct our people? Its not an obsession boy, I do as OUR god commands. I am the mouthpiece of Olokun, so whatever I say is his ordain" Asake says as she responds to Afiku with her tone carrying authority.
        Her eyes suddenly begin to glow blue alongside the Ashe mark on her navel with white marks taking form on her face. She then says to Afiku YanGan with her voice holding the rhythm of two persons.
      " But since you believe your decisions are of bigger worth than your people's creator.........YOUR GOD! Why don't you take this rant to him instead.. Let's see what will remain of you after that"

          Afiku YanGan growls at her and then marches out of the hall, looking at me viciously as he does.
              " Májèlé........ Leave us."
        Asake says as she approaches me with the glow in her eyes receding as well as the white marks. As Májèlé leaves, she takes the machete from me as I say.
         " You know.... Májèlé joked about you probably giving me that fight so as to gift me that machete, might be a joke but I am already getting attached to the blade because of that"
          With her back towards me, she replies as she looks at the machete saying.
" The blade is not yours to wield Baddo, same way that man was not yours to kill"

         " But Májèlé killed him...... not me"
     " But you were there?....yes? I told you specifically that you should bring the machete and it's owner ALIVE to me. Despite dispute from the Igbimọ, I have made you significant among the Olossi....I have given you territories"
      " Yet you can't complete the smallest of takes, you had the Black Rain to your aid in Ilaro, all you had to do was kill all of the Akogun and their soldiers yet you let them escape with the fight in your didn't even kill the one that bothered us most among them. Now This!!! telling you to secure this machete is not enough reason for you not to have captured the Alake before he got to Olumo rock right after you take the machete. Why have you become this dull?!"
      " That rock is laced with spells so ancient, even I can't navigate it's tunnels. You are becoming incompetent these days Baddo."

       I then reply with a soft tone saying.
       " know why. Its good you acknowledge that I am getting incompetent, so you know I once was competent and you know why. It's been years Asake."
       " Since then, I have never craved or touched another woman and I am very sure you have a hand in why I don't but yet you deny me of yourself. Giving me orders and creating all that never happened"

She takes a wicked grin at me with her eyes glowing for a second. She then says.
" I am Queen now Baddo....I am the Olu Awo to this kingdom we run. There's more to my thoughts and time than just what's between us."

" Well, I guess I would continue being incompetent then....My Queen." I say in response with my words holding hurt.

" Afiku and I would be leading the warfront with you from now on, so that would be of little consequence my dear" she scoffs amusingly as she says.

" It's not like this is our first time taking over Abeokuta and I am quite sure you as well as Afiku is aware of how we lost it the first time. By now , he would have heard of our invasion and he will be coming. Even with the Black Rain, damaging him as well as his Iron Guard is not going ro be an easy feat and we can't even access the Black Rain here without securing Abeokuta's Ojubọ àgbàrá"

She then laughs as she walks towards the seat of the Alake. She sits down and then looks at me with a crazy smile as she rubs the blade part of the machete.
" Gurumaraji........Eni ba ni gboya kín beru~He that has the upper hand does not fret. Let him come , HIS DOWNFALL AWAITS HIM."

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