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Chris and Parish were, separately, patrolling around Beacon Hills. After they'd realised that there may be others following Megan and Arthur, they decided it would be best if they had a couple of people patrolling at all times just in case. 

Back at Scott's house, Derek had sat down with the siblings in order to find out more about what had happened in the war. 

"After dad sent us away" Megan was explaining, "We couldn't get back. He'd managed to lock us to one universe"

"Then, one day, monsters started showing up. Not the Chaos ones we'd been fighting. But ones from our past" Arthur continued, 

It was starting to freak Derek out, how in sync these two were, 

"We consulted an expert" Megan carried on, "An alien called the Doctor who helped us figure out that these attacks weren't random. Someone was sending these monsters" 

"Who was sending them?" The Hale alpha asked, 

Arthur shrugged, "We don't know, we investigated. Managed to capture the more sentient enemies. But nothing worked. They'd either kill themselves or just die whenever we asked a question" 

"So we fled" Megan told him, "It was obvious that it was us the monsters were chasing so we daggered ourselves and projected our consciousnesses here through a crack in the universe" 

Derek ran his hands down his face, "Daggered?" He asked, 

"Temporarily killed?" Megan proposed, "Think of it like putting ourselves into a coma that hides us from any form of detection in that universe" 

"But we don't know if they could trace us here" Arthur finished the story, "We thought we'd manage to find Dad, but obviously we didn't" 

Lisa walked in, two mugs of hot chocolate in her hands, "I don't know about the other me, but whenever my daughter is upset a nice mug of hot chocolate helped" 

Megan and Arthur accepted the mugs, "Thank you" was muttered by both of them, 

"So what's your plan now?" Derek asked them, "If he's not here, where do you go?" 

"I don't know" Arthur sighed, "We thought he'd be here" 

"Well you welcome to stay as long as you need to" Lisa offered, 

However Derek shook his head, "I'm sorry but that's not an option" 

"What?" Lisa scoffed, 

But Megan nodded, "Da- Derek is right" she sighed, "We can't replace Malia and Isaac"

"What do we do then?" Lisa asked,

"The crack you came through?" Derek asked, "Can you get back through it?" 

Megan nodded, "Theoretically, if we can find it then we can slip back through it and try again?" 

"Then we take you back to Athens" Derek shrugged, "You should be able to return" 

They nodded slowly. The twins were, obviously, upset to not have found their father. But they knew they couldn't stay in these bodies for too long. 

But before they could answer Derek, his phone rang. He quickly pulled it out and saw Chris' name on the screen, "I gotta take this" He sighed standing up and exiting the room, "This is Derek" he sighed, 

"I've found something" Came Chris' reply, "Meet me at the motel" 

-- Line Break -- 

Across town, in the woods, Nick Dean and Castiel were trying to follow whatever was calling them. 

"Anything?" Dean groaned, flashing his torch in the other direction. Night had quickly fallen and with that came the need for torches. Apart from Nick. He liked the dark.

"It keeps changing" Nick sighed, "Like it wants to be found but something won't let it"

He knelt down to the ground, laying his hand down, "I can feel it" he whispered, "It's calling us" 

"I don't like this" Dean suddenly announced, "Somethings off" 

Castiel surveyed the forest using his torch, "What do you mean" 

"Can't you feel that?" Dean asked, "Like somethings...."

"Somethings watching us" Nick agreed. He surveyed the area himself, his view being better than the Angel's and the humans,

Bullets suddenly rang out from the treeline, lighting up the night. 

Dean hit the deck, whilst Nick waved his hand and the bullets hit an invisible shield. Bullets kept coming their way, shot after shot trying to take the trio down. But the Angel of darkness held them all. Eventually, when the assailants realised their bullets weren't doing anything. Nick smirked, "My turn" He growled before throwing his hand out and sending every single bullet back at them at twice the speed. The sound of multiple bodies hitting the floor could be heard before silence. 

"Up you get Winchester" Nick yelled, "I think I got them all" 

Dean stood up, waving his torch over to the origin of the gunshots, "Let's go see who shot at us" Dean decided,

Without any arguing, the trio approached their now fallen enemies. Inspecting the body, Dean scoffed, "Nazis? We got shot at by Nazis? What the hell?!" 

"Time displacement?" I asked Castiel, "Surely we'd sense it" 

"No" Dean offered, "They're modern day" 

"How do you know?" Castiel asked, 

Dean lifted up one of the guns they were wielding, "M16s" He offered, "They didn't have those in the 40s"

"Where the hell did modern day Nazis get military grade M16s and..." Nick ripped the jacket off one of the fallen soldiers, "Kevlar armour?" 

"What the hell is going on in this town?"

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