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The Angel immediately turned around and pointed at Ciri, Cas and Jack, "Get that portal open again now!" He yelled,

They went straight to doing it whilst the Time Lord turned to the rest of the group,

"So you're Hansard Grey?" He asked, "The first Doppelganger"

"Apparently so" The young man agreed, "Stiles explained quickly what was going on, but not in too much detail"

"Basically bad people trying to kill us all and some kids" The Angel sighed, "Or in my world every other Thursday"

"Am I the only one concerned about where that prick went?" The Dark Archangel demanded,

"Good point" The Angel agreed, "Did anybody else feel that that ended too easily?"

"He was kicking our ass" Derek agreed, "There's no way the kid made that much difference"

Sparks jumped off of Hansard's shoulders, "Who the hell are you calling Kid"

"You do look about 14 years old" The Angel offered,

"And how old are the rest of you?!" Hansard challenged making all of them apart from Derek shy away in awkwardness, "That's what I thought"

"It doesn't matter" Nick the Dark Archangel snapped, "None of this does, as soon as they get that portal open and we have the final ring, we need to head straight for Athens and end this once and for all!"

"He's right" Nick the Tribrid agreed, "The sooner this is over the sooner we can all go home"

"I'm afraid all we can do is wait" The Angel sighed,

"So who are you all?" Hansard asked, "Stiles told me how were all doppelgängers of this insanely powerful guy. But he never explained who the rest of you were"

"I'm a Time Lord, he's the archangel of darkness" The Angel explained pointing at himself then Nick, "Captain grumpy over there is an alpha werewolf and this guy is a tribrid"

"I only understood like half of that" Hansard groaned, "And I thought my universe was complicated"

"How did you get here?" Derek asked, "These two came looking for us. Me and Nick live here already, but from what the twins told us you don't have the ability to get here?"

"I don't know what it was" Hansard admitted, "I'd just finished fighting my cousin on top of Mt. Othyrs when there was this bright flash of gold and I woke up here"

"Someone brought you here?" The Angel asked in surprise, "And from the sounds of it not who we're fighting"

"There's another power at work here" The dark Angel agreed,

"We're being manipulated" Derek continued, "All of us are being plucked from our lives and forced to fight in a war that isn't ours"

They all stood in silence as the realisation hit them. They were being used just as much as Kolasj,

"What do we do then?" Nick the tribrid asked,

Hansard shrugged, "We could just ignore it"

"This whole universe is being threatened by it" The Angel disagreed, "Whilst it wasn't our war to start with it is now. I won't leave this universe to be the powers that threaten it"

"It's our home" Derek shrugged, gesturing to his dark haired associate, "We have no choice but to fight"

The Tribrid sighed, "We're all tied into this whether we like it or not. We need to end it as soon as they get back with my ring"

"What if what we're unleashing is worse?" Derek asked, "I was told horror stories of Niklaus Mikaelson when I was younger"

"The only Niklaus I know is a prick" Nick agreed, "But a name is just a name, I share that name so..."

They all considered this, but after training with his niece Artemis for so long, the son of Kronos had learnt to observe people, "You know something" he said to the Angel, "You're hiding it"

The Angel ran his hands through his hair, "I was given a prophecy, and then I had a vision" he admitted,

"Out with it then!" Hansard demanded,

"I was told that the darkness was returning to the universe and he would rain hell and fire down on us all" He explained, "And then in my vision I saw a battlefield. Reality was crumbling around me and this shadowy figure he..."

"He what?" Derek asked,

"Killed me" The Angel whispered, "I've fought monsters that came from the darkest corners of reality, fought in a war that threatened to end the universe. But that vision, scared me more than anything"

"So if we free this man..." The tribrid slowly began, "We could tear the universe apart?"

"Anybody else reconsidering this?" Derek asked,

Nobody agreed. But nobody disagreed either.

Before anything more could be said, the portal opened again, golden lightning crackling all around it. The doppelgängers quickly drew their weapons just in case, but sighed with relief when the Tardis materialised before them.

The doors flew open and Megan stood there with a massive grin on her face whilst holding up Nick's ring,

"Anyone fancy a trip to Athens?"

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